Why I think NDIS registation is a good thing, Lets explore it.

 So I am going to start off by saying I know that this is going to be a unpopular or counter narrative opinion talking about what others don’t want to talk about or do what to acknowledge, that registration if managed well is a good thing for providers.

We don’t see Nursing staff and mental health staff that have independent business complaining that registration is going to cost them, yes in the short term it could drive up cost’s but so is inflation.  It also protects both parties against abuse and we have just had a  Royal commission into abuse neglect and exploitation so those who are on the providers that are saying being un registered is going back to the dark day’s of no chose and control well I see your point but having providers registered and having a bucket to choose from is a good thing as it means your understanding the Ndis and the documentation that goes into it, as I understand that this is why the price might go up and why medical practitioners might not write NDIS reports, but if you’re a provider why are you so against registration and accountability, as I have had negative experiences with independent support workers, when talking to them about they are a business and that Clients aren’t their “ Cash cow” or other degrading comments.

I think it’s because I am a fly on the wall to an independent support workers face book page and I got a lot of push back when I was stating that if your where charging for a meet and greet that was a red flag due to the fact that this is essentially a job interview and unless you’re an artist you’re not going to be expected to be paid for a job interview  and this is true as your looking for work, but if your against the extra work well what level of documentation do you have and are you going to hold yourself to the standard that an external registration body is going to hold you to, this seems to be what people are saying and doing.

But I agree that taking away choose and control isn’t a good thing but by having registration by it’s nature support work would go from being considered a job anyone can do to a skilled profession that has registration, and study requirements as if your turning up “ just on time” well how much time do you have to do a hand over in any job working with people or in a care industry you need to be aware that there is going to be unpaid overtime and it comes with the territory of the job if you need a job where you can turn up right on time and walk out on time, well I think the corporate world is calling or going into the office role in disability.

It seems bonkers that I am talking about registration, but I have a background in community pharmacy I was a pharmacy assistant and pharmacists have to be registered so if there is a problem an independent body can investigate it.

I have at times in the past I have spoken up to the office about support workers and have been gaslit and victim blamed but if we have a way where we can go to an independent body that can investigate how differently would people treat their clients, as we have emotions and not all of them are positive emotion’s but we are often  told we need to be grateful for care and that having care is a privilege not a right, while this is true it also means that people need to remember your working with a client not against them.

People will also say that this is against the free market but I guess we need to balance it against the need to have vulnerable people looked after and not abused by the people who are supposed to be caring for them, I know that this is a difficult topic to talk about but by having registration it means that the business is accredited and is able to improve in how to work with people with disabilities when we move to a move inclusive society. Also we need to remember that freedom of expression, doesn’t equal freedom from consequences and people are jumping on limited talking points and we need to work on this in working towards having a balance of dignity of risk balanced with duty of care, how that looks like on a national scale is registration and having levels of registration and having a mandatory level of training for support staff no matter what their role.

I invite people to comment and why you’re for or against registration.  




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