Back from respite

 Ok guys, so I owe my family a massive apology, and this post is going to be it. I see what they are saying about entitlement creeping into my life. I didn’t realize how bad my complaining had gotten. Let’s be a bit more grateful for what I have in terms of support, and appreciate that I don’t have to struggle anymore, either on my own or with family support. It’s amazing what the NDIS has done for me. Instead of complaining about onboarding new support staff, I should be thankful for what I have, which is a lot more than others.

I recently visited Movie World on the Gold Coast and didn’t have to check my bank balance every time I wanted to purchase something, such as a souvenir or a bottomless drink. This was all thanks to the taxpayer-funded NDIS Respite program. In the past, respite was about giving family and support staff a break from you. Now, it’s about providing you with opportunities and experiences, which is amazing.

I also want to give a shout out to the guest services for their inclusion policy and for pointing me to sensory break areas. Being able to skip lines for rides was a great perk. They often get a lot of abuse, so when they do the right thing, I feel it's important to give credit where it’s due.

I will also post some packing tips for people with disabilities. It might seem like common sense, but a kit list can be really helpful. I overpacked, but one sensible rule we followed was to only buy gifts for family since we had three different sources of income. As my support worker said, in what other job would you be paid to take someone on holiday besides a tour guide? It was an amazing group of people, and I learned a lot from them.

Looking ahead, I want to finish my natural health qualification. There are plenty of free online platforms to help with this. I need to visit the doctor for flu and COVID shots, go to the lawyer for life-end documents, and then book my next trip.

Life continues, and I have some upcoming topics for my podcast. It’s amazing to see that my small, scrappy podcast is getting attention, with six followers now! I think it’s because we stay away from politics and stick to basic information and discussions with my partner in crime.


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