Ecco Park epsiode two
Ecco Park Part two
2. Imposter
Syndrome - Echo Park | Podcast on Spotify
This is a very interesting podcast and this is the second episode
in the series and we see that it’s a very interesting podcast and that James a
source for Terrance – his Ecco as the clones like to be called, we see that
they are able to form a relationship.
However we see that this relationship is very one sided and
the James has been using Terri for clean samples, however we see that the clones
have there own politics and that the ability to hide from the police, as we see
that Ecco Park where the Clones live is closely monitored.
Due to the fact that they are actually targeted by them and
we see that this is an issue, for them that they are targeted.
We also will discover that the are seen as second class
people in the eyes of the police and I see that this is a very real world issue,
an issue that we see in many first world countries that the police are
stretched with resources and that they aren’t able to do what they need to do
or that the detectives don’t really care about some sections of the community.
However in Australia we see much more community based
policing, this seems to be better for everyone. It seems to be a good thing as
well, we seem to have a much better equipped police force and that the police
are well trained in dealing with other culture’s and we see that this is a very
interesting take.
We see also that the recommend that the Sources and Ecco’s
don’t actually meet and this is to prevent, mix ups like the one that does
happen to James and Terrance, I hope to go into this more in depth at a later
date and that we seem to understand what is happening is deeper than just these
two people meeting. As they are easily mixed up due to clones looking like their
However what I want to focus on is the fact that the clones
have there own langue and that they also developed there own, culture and they
ask that this is respected. I love this fact that they have there own culture
and that it developed at a retreat.
However this did turn into a religion and we
see that this is where a lot of the in fighting from clones does happen, we see
that this is a thing that needs to be
looked at how does a religion form and I have discussed it at length with the
shadow hunters post’s. But it is complex a way that a religion is formed and we
see that people need to respect it as well, however the complexity of the religion
is that they are very secretive about it as they know that they where formed
not created.
The clones where released from the retreat and this has parallels
to people with disability or mental health conditions being resealed from medical based care into the community. We see
that some sections of the community support it however some don’t and this is a
very complex argument and we need to be aware of this argument and the
understanding of this argument as well is quite complex as some people with disabilities
need the structure and care that the medical model of care can provide and some
people with disabilities don’t need that level of support they more need
practical help.
I see that it’s an issue and a very complex one as well. It
is complex in the way that people want to help but can do more harm than good. We see that it also talks about the
complexity of proving who you really are due to the fact that they share the same DNA
and this is complex in and of it’s self.
It also discusses who you are vs who you could be if your circumstances
where swapped. So when James takes on Terri’s
life we see that there is much more to the clones than people think and this is
very true of people with disabilities, they just see the disability and not the
whole person and this becomes very complex.
I find that some people do find this complexity hard to deal
with and they don’t know the words to use, due to the rise of what we call
person cantered langue this is language that is used in a person with a disability
to emphasize that they are a person first and then they have a disability,
second and that yes that disability is a part of them but it doesn’t have to be
there whole life. I see that some people are so focused on getting the words right
we see that they don’t see the other issues in disability. These being the way
that people with disabilities are treated by providers, and the way that they have
poor health out comes due to generally being on a limited income, some people
with disabilities want to work and are able to work and some can’t so they
attend a day centre or some are like myself and have a fluctuating condition so
work for themselves.
I see that this is a great thing and we need to take care of
the disabled in our community, some are able to volunteer as well. Being able
to help other’s and feel needed is a core part of peoples life and I see that this
is something that we can work on as well. Being able to help others so in
saying that many people with a disability are able to volunteer and volunteering
has less pressure than that of paid work.
In brining it back to the podcast we see that this is
something that needs to be looked at as a community what is happening in the disability
community and how they are treated beyond being
“looked,” after but how are there skills developed and how are they treated by
support workers.
Or even if they have support workers, and what the support
workers are able to do with the person. I find this a very complex topic and
one that I see needs to be talked about. However we do see that most support workers
are willing to work with family and friend’s.
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