Thoughts on the the difference between success and failure.
This is such a difficult and challenging topic and even within the "disability," community. I see that this is just what should be called a community. So it seems like we are able to classify people into successes and failures.
But in disability this needs to have a different metric as depending on the persons disablity they may have a very different life path to other people.
So I have put more thoughts into the video as this is a very challenging topic as Dr Jorden Peterson is talking about this topic but we need to remember that he is talking to a very wide audience, and not every peice of advice is going to be suitable for everyone. This is something that we all need to be aware of that not every piece of advice is going to be great for everyone and I know this as I tried following the rules for life and I got very mentally unwell and this meant that we needed to be aware of how this affected me and I had to re evaluate what success meant to me, as a person with "hidden disabilities," even from my care team at times I have been left to "flounder," this isn't great at times and I am in the process of speaking up about it and this blog is a way to do it.
I love the fact that writing is one of the things that Dr. Peterson talks about but also he is talking about a very wide cross-section of people. So in saying that I agree with him I need to clarify that I don't agree with everything he says and does as he is taking from a very broad perspective and a perspective of someone who has had the tools to deal with the hand he has been dealt in life we see that in other cases people haven't been given this tool set and have to learn it later in life.
There lies a case for teaching people life skills in schools but we see that this is a case of well what do we scrap?
So as I start getting serious about the blog and my Youtube I hope to make it a job but I am going to have to make some sacrifices so what is that scarce? it seems to be that we need to find out what sacrifices people with disabilities make just to get through the day.
I know in my situation it is wanting to work but having to create my own job, wanting to go out and spend money but I have to keep to a very strict budget.
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