The Shadow world causing trauma and responding to mental health issues.
This is such an interesting post to write about as I have grown so much as a writer in doing this blog and the trauma that comes into the Shadow world is very real and listening and spending time with people who work with people with complex trauma has given me a very different perspective on it. So please I do welcome you to start the conversation on the blog and to suggest to me content ideas as well.
I am now starting to look at this through a wider lens one that says that we are all humans and that these guys are human as well and that this humanity is what their relationship's so complex as well as the fact that they are willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of humanity. I see that this is a good thing however we do see that it comes at a price for most of them. In that, the mission comes first this could be as simple as finding out where demons are coming from or as complex as a mission to banish a greater demon back to the realm it came from in the shadow world.
We see that Clary and her mother have been hidden away and people who are in the "repressed," have had their history repressed, as they didn't want it happening again, yet we see that this isn't a great thing in reality as we know that if we don't educate people on their history lessons won't be learned and consequence's of actions will be delayed. We see this in the fact that Maryse is de runed by the circle and is excommunicated. As investigations are re-opened and the clave punishments they see that punishments don't always fit the crime and this sees that many people have to suffer the fallout of this as well.
Her husband was able to strike a deal with the clave, and we see that they can atone for their own ways for their sins. Something amazing to me and we need something more of in the world. We are also seeing that they can re-group for their true loves as the Nephilim love in a romantic way only once, and we see that Robert and Maryse do divorce and she needs to find a job and regroup.
In this clip, we see that she comes to spend time with her children and it seems that she has changed in a very real way as well, a way that is very forgiving of forcing her children to mop up her mistakes. We also see Andrew Underhill become an ally for Alec and Alec being the person he is gives a very subtle but necessary head nod to him for standing up for his mother. We see that everyone in the shadow world takes security very seriously and that this is something that they need to be aware of as being aware of the shadow world puts people at risk if they don't know how to survive it. However, they are trained from a very young age to survive it and we see that they are aware of the mental health issues around it but their treatment isn't very well discussed.
However, there we see that they can heal most wounds with their stele but the trauma isn't really addressed well. As we see that they essentially have generational trauma, and can go to the silent brothers for treatment. We see that the silent brothers do have healing abilities and do work with the warlocks However we see that there are a lot of misconceptions about " Down worlders," these are beings that are half-demon half-human, and the warlocks can work magic, and understand magic.
We do see that the silent brothers are aware of the down worlders and Magus was raised by them in the books in Spain, then taken to the spiral labyrinth. The silent brothers and iron sisters are the religious orders of the shadow hunters they are committed to guarding the silent city and the city of glass, in this case the silent brothers and the iron sisters are weapon smiths and they can see that the weapons that they use are repaired and made with admais a stone that can kill most demons.
They also guard the mortal instruments these are the mirror, the sword, and the mortal cup.
We see that they start to really respect Clary as she does become part of the team and that seems to be a massive part of the team and she has lost her mother at this point. ( In the books she is still alive) but we see that Alec does tell Jace to shape up and this was talking about respecting himself too as we know that Jace has lost his one true love as well. himself health a lot more seriously as well as they are able so to himself see what we are doing as well, and order him to take some time off to take perspective and to understand what they are doing as well. As we know that she isn't dead they can track her down.
We also see the traditions that people have we see that Magnus and Alec light candles in her memory as well and that they understand what has happened as well and start to take time to process her leaving and the changes that her being in this world has brought into this world. So one big one is Alec finding Magnus and Maryse accepting that her son is gay and that they can really work with the "Down worlders," in a different way and trust them as well.
As they have a very different way of working within the world they have to accept that is cruel towards them. It has very different rules towards the down worlders as well, and it shows the double standards as well that Shadowhunters and the down worlders just accept as normal but clary and Alec don't accept because they both have relationships with Down worlder so they see that the trauma doesn't have to be there and that the system does need to change as well.
We see that this world is very complex but at the same time very conservative as well, as it is a very religious world as well, so not very accepting of people as well, it shows this as well but we see that they aren't great at accepting the missions can cause mental health issues as well, but they get through it and grow as well.
The shadow hunters need to be able to put their emotions aside but we see that they do have emotions as well, we see that they are they can accept that emotions can be a good thing and that they are indicative of how you can do something with negative emotions and that can be a motivation for change and that this change can be good as it triggers us to move out of that state.
As there is an acceptance that there are a lot of rules and that is the result of the social facilitation that is a bit outdated in the social context of the world, As they are a community as well so we see that it can be a good thing to be part of a community but the community needs to move with the times, and that is seen in Alec taking the institute consequences to the next level and accepting the consequences of his actions around dating a downworlder and we do see that at times there is a cross over in the mundane world as well as "Down worlders," do mask and this is a good thing, that they can be a part of the mundane world as well. As we see the warlocks have a job and we do see that some of the Werewolf's have jobs ( Mia and Luke).
Their self-image does become a massive part of them as well, I understand that it would change for the down worlders depending on when they became part of this world or if they become a part of the world from birth or ascension as well. Ascension in this context is when you drink angel blood from the mortal cup as well. But it does change as well as they need to control the relics in the shadow world as we see that some relics do make their way into the mundane world.
Reading for this post.
Return to the Shadows | S1E3 - Dead Man's Party | Katherine McNamara & Dominic Sherwood - YouTube
Behavioral contagion - Wikipedia
Social facilitation - Wikipedia
Respectability politics - Wikipedia
10 Anxious Behaviors That May Actually Be Trauma Responses | Psychology Today
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