The problems that can cause drama in disablity facilities..
This is a really interesting question of what do to when a
client complains about a support worker and there is no proof, but there with
the support worker in question is a pattern of unacceptable behaviours, so
things like falling asleep on shift, medication near misses,( that aren’t
reported) behaviours that aren’t acceptable in a support worker working for an
agency and this is a massive issue for both clients and providers and I have
experienced this and it complicates things when it comes down to familiar
relationships both within and outside of the company.
This is a really complex question and I am going to try and
answer the question due to the fact that I have had a situation that is similar
to this pop up in my life but it wasn’t exactly like I am describing and I see
that the response from the provider could have been so much better and it shows
that you really do need good communication in the organization from the bottom
up and the top down needs to be a clear two-way street due to the fact that it
means that people feel safe in that organization to speak up. I know that some providers that support
workers aren’t able to speak up and this situation can be made worse by a cover
up culture. As again we are seeing that
providers are not up with the legislation as it is changing rapidly as well and
we are seeing a massive push towards person centred care and not block funding
or having to rely on family and friends and struggle but it has created a
situation where people don’t feel safe to complain as they feel that they can’t
or they feel that the providers will make them feel like a trouble maker due to
the fact that they dared to speak up.
I in my other blog posts was talking about manifestation and
I know that your thoughts create your
reality but I didn’t realise until it happened that I was so worried about one
support worker that I try to minimize my contact with was doing some coverage
shifts and we had been told that she was being removed from the house and I
know that there is going to be a transition period for people but I see that
this support worker is in the job because her family owns the business. But I
am failing to understand why a support worker with the behaviour’s that I have
described above is in this industry or even not working for another industry
and doesn’t see that when she has two clients that don’t appreciate her “ sense
of humour” including flipping the bird to a client, or swearing at them under
their breath it really doesn’t help my trust issue/ paranoid thinking that I
live with as well.
I saddens me to say that when this support worker is on in
my house that I don’t feel safe, so I don’t get good quality sleep, and this
again makes me at risk of more paranoid thinking due to the fact that I am over
The other question is what happens when the client has a
history of manipulating a situation to her advantage but has worked so hard to
be able to tell the truth so who do you believe? This has recently happened to
me and I see that this is where notes for support workers are so important as
is having good formal and informal conduct in ethics in support as what a
support worker might think of as a joke might not be funny to a client and a
client might not be able to control themselves manipulating the situation as it
might be a learnt behaviour as a survival technique as well.
But I would think that when you have clients that don’t want
to engage with you on your shift or minimize their contact with you this could
be a massive red flag in that you need to see what you are doing and it’s hard
as it is cold and flu season but I see that this is the issue as some providers
have the attitude of you get whom you get and you don’t get upset by this and
we see that people need to be aware that sometimes this does work but in the
long term it for me creates care resistance due to not being able to trust or
connect with your support workers. We also see that this could be actively
causing harm to a client in that they would push themselves when it would be
better for them to rest and ask for help.
I am not asking for
the world but simply for a support worker to do their job and to do it
well. So, in a sil situation (that being
supported independent living) doing the afternoon tasks so the basics that are
the responsibility of the support workers and this will vary from house to
house as well. For me, it’s a lot of prompting, but generally, it’s unpacking
bags from activities outside of the house. Such as shopping, going to a day centre
or volunteering activities, work or an adventure day.
It might be cooking dinner for the clients if they aren’t
capable of doing it for themselves or prompting them to microwave their dinner
if it’s precooked or if they have a meal delivery service, as this is an option
under the NDIS as well.
The question that I asked above is very relevant as they
were believing the support worker not the client and when the house had a
rental inspection there was not a formal breach made but a complaint due to the
fact that the basic house work hadn’t been done and the management had to
realise that there was not the right team in the house and to put the support
worker to actually work as it’s not an easy job being a support worker in a Sil
house situation.
There is a lot of balancing going on and from what I am
seeing that there is not right or wrong answer to what I described above and the housemate was also dragged into this
situation by no fault of their own and blamed for daring to ask for help/ demand
help from the support worker when they
had told the client that a support worker isn’t your house keeper, maid or
mother so the person mother did step in and ask the very logical question then
why did she qualify for a Sil house what help can you give her as the mother put
the daughter at risk due to asking her community access agency to help and we
see that people need, to be aware that you need to ask to have another agency
in the house due to “ insurance reasons.”
It came to a head when the mother of the “higher functioning
client was in the house when they had a “house meeting” this was going to never
be a democratic meeting but a telling off of the clients in their own home. The
client realised this and contacted her mother and I see that the manger isn’t used
to coming off second best and getting called out in that the support workers weren’t
doing what they were paid to do, resulting in the house and the client that can
be very manipulative having a very low level of hygiene, and not understanding
the risk that this put not her in but the whole company and at potential of
leaving both clients without a home. The
higher functioning client would have been able to go home but the other client wouldn’t.
The higher functioning client got “caught” having the other
agency in the house and things where arranged “on the weekend, “to keep her
house hygienic without her consent or considering that she is very engaged into
the community. As well as being challenged
of undermining what they had arranged to as there was arrangement for someone from
the housing agency to come into the house on a day when her house mate wouldn’t be home, she re arranged
her schedule to accommodate this and when no one turned up she just started asking
for it to be done on a weekend, or doing it her self-causing her to get
physically sicker than she all ready was at the time.
This seems to be a bit of a resolution but it’s not great
that this even happened and that the clients had to go through this, I know
that life isn’t all unicorns and rainbows but this is beyond the pail of what
is acceptable in why did the house get to the stage where the higher
functioning client was physically sick because of a lack of hygiene and when
the support team was forced to do a deep clean they found human waste where it doesn’t
belong and no one because of the lower functioning house mates past behaviour
was willing to take the risk to help her or to make her clean it up.
I know that this can be an issue in any share houses just
look at the new season of queer eye and the college fraternity house, but there
comes a point when you do really need to take accountability for the people who
you are caring for.
So, what happened in
this house is still on going but we see that this is the “emotional cost of the
help given in the house so, if possible, it is so much better to be able to interview
the clients or to go into a new Sil house where there is a say in the routine
and who supports you.
This situation doesn’t
have any easy answers but what is happening is a gradual change to the team and
that the “support team is being educated on what is good support,” and that the
management team that isn’t related is doing drop ins when people are home to
make sure that people are doing their job and doing it well.
All of this could have been prevented so I am going to end
this post with the question of if you where anyone in this situation how would
you have handled it too prevent this situation? As it has been analysed and
there is a level of fault in everyone’s role, in the “higher functioning client”
not speaking up” and recording things.
However mostly I see that the support worker and the agency
where at fault in not doing a full investigation or preventing the situation
from happening and I am talking about having someone so another person who doesn’t
support the people come in and talk about it and the clients know that they won’t
get into trouble but they will be believed
as this is something that I have discovered in more common than I thought in
this industry that people climbing the ladder forget that we aren’t just a
shift we are a person and that we need to be believed when things happen.
As this support worker from all accounts all round has set
this client back as manipulation was all she new in how to get her unmet needs
met, and a positive behaviour support plan would have been much better for this
client in the long run, and I will talk about what they are and the danger in having
too much “privacy” for it to work. Let’s
start the conversation around support and how it could be better delivered preventing
things like this from happening as the support worker in question because of familiar
relationships was able to “adjust” the roster to suit her needs and didn’t realise
how much this would really create a disruption to a well-functioning household.
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