The internet and consent, a wider discussion we need to have.

  Hey so this is a really random post but one that ties into a wider discussion I think we as a society need to have around consent, and  the internet being forever. I have learnt that the hard way, but I am currently working on some other blog posts and I came across a screen shot of David tenant on Tumblr and it looked recent and it was from his wife’s Instagram ( David doesn’t do social media but is aware of it.)

But I saw that they zeroed in on his foot where being pride boots, and then immediately  started speculating on his sexual preferences, as they have been doing for a couple of years since Good Omens has come out, and I am not saying I have anything against his preferences and his marriage but I started digging into his wife’s Instagram account and I saw in most of the posts that he was in and I might be totally wrong he looked scared or annoyed and there are some very recent ones that seem  to be quite invade and that she was filming without his knowledge, and I do wonder if he knows everything that she posts as we know during Covid lockdowns he had to become familiar with Technology due to filming staged and doing a lot of charity work and educational content with the RSC ( royal Shakespeare company) and we see that people need to be aware of that that he has done much more than Dr who and he himself states that he is lazy and needs to be pushed but I see the total opposite as he was talking at NY comic con about reading his lines and coming from a rehearsal/ performance of McBeth ( and he doesn’t shy away from saying the name and that is odd for a Scottish person. 

But I see that if this was a man recording his wife it would come across as creepy and we do see that her kids have called her out on it as well. It’s kind of weird to see a celebrity come across as angry or annoyed but we see that this is what is happening, and I do see why and this is where we need to talk about consent and boundaries as it could actually put someone’s life in danger when you tag them in a post or be able to identify where they are and I know in my close circle of friends some people don’t like to be in photos because it would put them in harms way.

I also do wonder about  if its all a joke but I do see that he said in the story that Georga put together, that I can believe you are still doing this and I think it was recording him being him at a grocery store and one of the most expensive in the UK, I know they are well off but I do wonder as we often inflate actors worth and we see David saying he needs to work and has that drive to work, but is lazy at the same time.

We see that he like most of us is a contradiction in terms and he seems tired when he is with his wife I know he is a hands on Dad but it seems weird that he seems to have more energy on press tours and I do wonder if that is  down to hair and makeup or staying or if it’s because he has control over what is being posted about him, as we know that he is speculated to be in a poly relationship with Michel sheen and we know that Michel sheen is fairly open in his attraction to both men and women, and we know both on and off screen that David has kissed men, but we need to respect what is going on behind closed doors and if this was flipped and David was recording Georga the outrage would be huge so we need  to start talking about it.

There is a couple of things you can do you can request that the person take it down personally, and if they don’t comply, you can email the company and explain and ask them to take it down, and I know that in Australia you can get the  E Safety commissioner involved, and it is a crime to post naked photos without consent and if its on YouTube you can flag it with YouTube as content you created if your monetized or inappropriate content. 

In austral the biggest issue we have on the internet is people chronically on line and I before writing this forced myself to get out side and to go for a walk and this was a great thing for me to do. As at times I am chronically online and need to have balance in my life but I was amazed at how quick they where to relog the posts and to really take it out of context and to suggest out of the clothing he is wearing suggests his identity, maybe he is wearing them in support of his child who is non binary and fighting back against the bullying they might be experiencing.  I am a believer in that gender is a spectrum but that their needs to be common sense in the sense that their needs to be biological women’s spaces that are kept safe for girls to be girls and to be silly and to be teens, and that their needs to be disability friendly spaces as well where the politics are kept out of it.  It seems to be that we don’t want to accept facts and I will respect your presentation but I am a believer in reality and respect and earning respect for people first.

I also see that people need to respect people’s views about life and how they live their life if they aren’t harming others or breaking the law then I am ok with live and let live, but I do wonder if the age gap in their marriage is starting to become an issue as David was very pre-internet and has had a very conservative up bringing.

I don’t know about  Georgia but we see that she did have Ty at the age of 17 and David did the right thing by her by Marrying her and adopting Ty something that not a lot of people would do but I think being the son of a Mance would do that to him and he states that his sex life was bleak and he didn’t lose his virginity until he was very much an adult and some people keep it like that until marriage, and that’s Ok.

I also think it’s incredibly weird and actively not ok to track the time of her getting pregnant and alluding to the fact that she essential baby trapped him, but couples split all the time and it was reported by the tabloids and not by a reputable news source so we don’t know how long they where actively together as well, so we need to be aware of what is happening and that celebrity culture is in terms of throughout history a fairly new thing as being an actor was until recently consider a “ noble” profession. But through film and the golden age of film it became associated with wealth and class, but up until then it was  people  who where adventurous or made scientific discoveries or fought for women’s or other oppressed people rights we see that people where aware of it and even if they didn’t understand they at least tried to respect it and we are honestly seeing a dumbing down of people due to the internet and teachers not being respected and not wanting to fail children and passing them off due to the fact they don’t want to deal with the parents.

This has been a long and rambling post but I think that we need to start the conversation around respect and posting without consent.


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