
Showing posts with the label support vs PA tasks

How I’m Navigating Disability Support: Choices, Challenges, and Changes

 What would a good independent support worker look like to me? Some support workers, whether independent or agency-based, are, let's just say, not suited to the industry. What I consider ineffective support might be exactly what someone else needs. This isn’t a new industry, but it is a booming one, and that’s the issue. Some agencies tolerate ineffective staff because they struggle to attract well-trained, effective staff—and that’s a cost to them. It’s important to remember that funding for support doesn’t only come from the NDIS. There’s also state funding, superannuation (retirement plans), and programs like hospital-at-home. Each of these can provide different types of support depending on the circumstances. Common sense needs to be applied on both sides—service providers and clients—so that these systems are more inclusive and effective for everyone. With the legislation changes, I’m glad that support workers will be required to have qualifications. This is a good thing. In m...