
Showing posts with the label Disablity agenices.

Support workers and disablity services agenices we need to talk.

  It’s bright and early in my housing facility and this is a good thing, I have checked off what I need to do, and when the others have gone to their activities I will start recording and studying, but I am finding that I must be doing something right as people who have never experienced disability either in themselves or in a family member or a fired seem to get very offended when I am suggesting easy things that need to change in people who work as support workers as I am finding that there is I thought two groups of people but I am finding it’s three, people who needed a job and have come into support work and do the job, people who have experience of disability and got attracted to the job and people who have a real passion for helping people with a disability and want to make a difference. The first two if they are willing and able to learn the difference’s between work and a calling it’s great but for those who just consider this a job and turn up on the dot of time, I am...