Infantilization and Situational Awareness in Disability Care
This topic only scratches the surface of something that affects the disability community in a specific way. Infantilization can be seen as a form of discrimination, but some people may view it as uninformed caregiving. Either way, if you're a paid caregiver, it’s crucial to be aware of how infantilization can cause frustration, particularly when working with medium to low support needs clients. Frustration often leads to what the industry calls “difficult and challenging behaviors.” But these behaviors aren’t random—they have causes, and one significant cause is frustration. Everything I’ve read about managing challenging behaviors in the disability sector emphasizes that it’s not about the caregiver. The way a caregiver reacts can make a situation better or worse. This is where situational awareness becomes critical. Understanding the root causes of frustration helps identify triggers—real triggers, not the casual "I was triggered at work today" kind, but genuine clini...