"Internet Safety for Support Workers: Balancing Digital Presence and Client Care"
In a previous post, I may have seemed harsh on support workers, but social media awareness is essential for everyone involved: clients, their families, support staff, and agencies. If we're discussing social media, let's be accountable and suggest some solutions. There aren't any easy answers, but what's worth doing often isn't easy. We need to consider what we're sacrificing. For me, it’s my phone game time—not much, as it’s a time sink, but it’s also a time to rest. I have the luxury of internet access and a lot of freedom, so I've had to learn to use it wisely. I’ve lost jobs and caused harm to family and friends, which fuels my passion for internet safety. As someone born in 1984, I grew up in an analog world and witnessed the birth of the internet. During COVID lockdowns, I became addicted to the internet. Now, I actively monitor my internet time. There are other ways to learn, communicate, and connect with others. Plenty of low-cost or even free groups...