
Restrictive practices part one,

  This is a post that I have been putting off writing because of its potential content but it needs to be talked about, and discussed at length due to it being such a grey area and it needing defining in how these practices are used. So what am I hammering on about well, it’s restrictive practices. Reactive practices – I have a video on YouTube very generally explaining what it is and how they are used So I will do a couple of posts around this topic this post will start with what is a Restive Practice.   So from my understanding, they are any form of practice that restrict the person’s movement, environment, and the usage of chemical restraints as well as physical restraints.   However they need to be used within the context of what is called a positive behaviour support plan, this is a plan where a person is granted more and more freedoms as their behaviour improves through education and training,   this is where goal setting is really important as well, du...

thoughts on the the difference between success and failure, part two goal setting.

<script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <ins class="adsbygoogle"      style="display:block"      data-ad-format="fluid"      data-ad-layout-key="-6t+ed+2i-1n-4w"      data-ad-client="ca-pub-4981013962895893"      data-ad-slot="1772835105"></ins> <script>      (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> This is a clip from my  YouTube Channel its a bit of a different post as it discusses something that we don't often talk about in the context of disability, This being the difference between success and failure as we see in the mass media that success for the able-bodied population is the "house, car and kids," this being a very general observation in what we see.  However what isn't talked about ( however due to...

Heavenly fire and dealing without consent part two

As we see in Chain of Gold, they mention that all the stories are true in a way that you might not suspect. So we see that there is a lot to deconstruct here as well and it is going to be quite interesting to link it back to disability and consent due to current health outcomes due to COVID as the Lockdowns people pause as it was the disability community saying essentially welcome to our world and it showed people what it is like to have your day to day reality controlled by someone else or to be dependent on others for what you need day to day and what happens if they can’t get there. So, it is this that I will go into more depth, and I will also do a post around how this affects the Down worlders as a whole as well as it changes the whole world the question is what makes you is it your personality or your actions?   How does your personality affect your actions and how do your actions change you if you don’t have something to aim at this would make you depressed and struck in t...

Shadowfam thanks to the actors

Hi, guys so this is a bit of a slant but we see that there was a shadow hunter's / comic con event that was cancelled at the last moment.  I was on social media at the time and there was a lot of anger at the event organizers.  As some of the actors were also blindsided as well, we see that this is bad management and it was trending on Twitter, however now we see that people can show what the fans and the "fandom," as a whole did.  I see that it shows a great deal of respect to the actors that they went and found the fans and that the fans were able to coordinate a meet-up.  It shows in a world where the actors are increasingly "protected," by their producers we see that when something like this happens we see that they do care about their fans and that the fans do respect them.   I do have my own issues with the way some of the actors have been treated in the past on social media. But we need to realize that social media is as a form of technology only a t...

Chain of gold Video

So this is a video that I did on the Book Chain of Gold, by Cassandra Clare. I talk about how the Shadow world is so stratified that we see many parallels to disability and I see that we see a lot of parallels in this world and that your worth is measured by what you can achieve and not who you are. We also see some of where the Shadowhunter's customs come from and we see why some of the main characters in the series, have the views they do. As it is generational as we see why the Lightwoods were stripped of their residence in Idris. ( the shadow hunters' spiritual homeland) We also see where the clave roots came from, and we see that they don't want to acknowledge what is really going on in their world they want everything to stay the same. However, we see that change is good, as we see the praxis a predecessor to the malach i configuration, a box that can trap a greater demon. I hope to do Chain of iron when it comes out as well.

The Bane Chronicles an over view

  Hi all so I am going to cross-post the videos to the blog and I hope you all like them and that you enjoy them. I hope that you enjoyed me covering the Shadowhunter world.  I would like to thank everyone who got me to this stage both publicly and privately as well.  I will give the Videos by the end of next year to see how they go. But what do people think of the way we are able to see direct links to disability topics? What do people think and what other series should I cover as well, as it seems to be an issue that we aren't talking about and disability isn't a dirty word. I see that we should be able to express ourselves and not have to fight for the help we need.  I hope that as we continue this journey we can see a way forward to cover more content and disability content as well as broader topics around disability as well. So I have a lot planned out in this space and please if you can donate to Patreon please do as it would go back into the blog and content c...

Heavenly fire and the consequence's of dealing without consent.

  Heavenly fire and the consequences of dealing without consent This has been an interesting post to think about as it deals with some very heavy topics that are still very much hot-button topics in the disability community. So We see that Heavenly fire is an off-the-books clave program, that people have died for so we see that there is an issue with this at times as we discover it is a program that Aldertree is running very illegally.   Shadowhunters Season 3, Episode 17 | Helen Sabotages The Heavenly Fire Supply | Freeform - YouTube   As we discover he is Just as bad as the valentine in that he wants to rid the world of down worlders and we see that he is trailing it to put it into the water supply in NY and that this would then clans NY and then the world as the Shadow hunters have the time and resources to do so to clans the world of down world. But we do see that it is “off the books,”  and discovered by Izzy and when she is aided by Simon we see tha...

Thoughts on the the difference between success and failure.

This is such a difficult and challenging topic and even within the "disability," community. I see that this is just what should be called a community. So it seems like we are able to classify people into successes and failures. But in disability this needs to have a different metric as depending on the persons disablity they may have a very different life path to other people.  So I have put more thoughts into the video as this is a very challenging topic as Dr Jorden Peterson is talking about this topic but we need to remember that he is talking to a very wide audience, and not every peice of advice is going to be suitable for everyone. This is something that we all need to be aware of that not every piece of advice is going to be great for everyone and I know this as I tried following the rules for life and I got very mentally unwell and this meant that we needed to be aware of how this affected me and I had to re evaluate what success meant to me, as a person with "hi...

Mia and what happens when you have a lack of support.

 This is going to be a very difficult post to write and for people to possibly read. Please be aware that it could be quite triggering for some people as it will be talking about abusive relationships, stalking, and control of others. I am focusing on Mia today as she is quite an interesting person in the Shadow world as she is a Downworlder and not only is she a downworlder she is studying and working her way through college online. ( this is TV Mia as she wasn’t in the books) We see that she is strong and independent but also that she didn’t get there alone and has gone through a lot. From her teen years until now she wasn’t cared for until Luke found her when she was found bitten by a werewolf (Jordan) and left to turn. This is difficult for her to process as it was her boyfriend (Jordan) who got bitten as well and he didn’t know how to tell her so simply ghosted her (he stopped communicating with her) and left her to turn alone. Even though he had stopped speaking to her,...

Chain of Gold video

  So this is for all of you who requested some more video content and if you like this I will commit to doing more videos. Let me know what you think, this is me talking about Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare, it's the new book in the Shadowhunters world.  I am looking to post to the blog twice a week and film once a week, but it depends on what my readers and viewers like so, guys can you please leave a comment or  share the videos.