Chain of gold Video

So this is a video that I did on the Book Chain of Gold, by Cassandra Clare. I talk about how the Shadow world is so stratified that we see many parallels to disability and I see that we see a lot of parallels in this world and that your worth is measured by what you can achieve and not who you are.

We also see some of where the Shadowhunter's customs come from and we see why some of the main characters in the series, have the views they do. As it is generational as we see why the Lightwoods were stripped of their residence in Idris. ( the shadow hunters' spiritual homeland)

We also see where the clave roots came from, and we see that they don't want to acknowledge what is really going on in their world they want everything to stay the same. However, we see that change is good, as we see the praxis a predecessor to the malachi configuration, a box that can trap a greater demon.

I hope to do Chain of iron when it comes out as well.


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