Empowering Disabled Individuals: Beyond Blaming and Towards Self-Reliance"


 Ok so I know I am going to ruffel some feathers with this post but I this moring I saw several low support needs disabled induluals starting there content with the govement, is dooming us.  So the question is why is the govement dooming you to a life of poverty, I know we are all stressed about NDIS cut backs as it was never desined to be a catch all for everyone, and I  aggree with the concept of the teird system as it was supposed to be about supporting thoughs who where medically complex and  needed lots of support, I under block funding would never have qualified for support and I am greatfull for the NDIS.

But what about self responsibility and determitation in disablity if your low support needs and have an interent connection your not doomed to a life of poverty, there is nothing stoping you from studying onlne and there is many accredited and no accredited courses out there, there is supported workshops and I understand that they have issues with under payment but they do have there place.

 There is nothing stoping them from using support staff to start there own business either online or offline as well. Its something that I am seeing more and more people wanting people to resue them from themselves and its not going to happen what about the wonderful feeling that you get when you where able to achive something, and trully we are getting more disconnected from each other and angry as it helps to have people devided and angry ranther than colectivising, and disablity isn’t a monliltih as well if we have learnt anything form the fact that the govement is only taking 13 recomdnedations its  possible its for good reason, and one of the things that I am glad they arn;t doin is closing special schools  as  mainstreaming isn’t practical for everyone and the schools have specailsist teachers teaching, oreantation and moblity, brail and other skills that they will need in life.  I know  often content creators hire people with disablites who have the ability to work remotely one person who comes to mind is simon wishlter who has a blind writer who uses speech to text software, but I do wonder if I am being harsh as  not every has this luxury, but if you want the splash cash then do what everyone else needs to do earn it, and stick to a budget and if you find yourself in a situation where you honselty can’t make ends meet there is plenty of programs out there, as well, I know they are under pressure, but do you need to eat out, and there is debt management programs that can help as well.




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