
Support worker, abuse the shared soloution

This is something that I have wanted to write about for a very long time but really haven’t had the guts to write about it and I know that I bang on about people with disabilities being abused and this is true, but we also need to talk about the flip side of this being, that Support workers do get abused at work as well. I need to put a really important point in here as well that have emotions and I have blowen up at support workers in that past but what is important is how you handle it and what is considered abuse differs from person to person but from a legal perspective it can fall into a couple of different areas.   I have taken this from Safe work Australia, and it also documents that home care workers are in a higher risk of abuse. W orkplace violence and aggression can be:  ·        physical assault – such as biting, scratching, hitting, kicking, pushing, grabbing, and throwing objects.     ·   ...

My jouney back to health day 3   Hi all so this is day two of getting my health back and that includes connecting with others that is a massive thing for me as I have massive trust issues so I am learning how to trust others and to ask for help but I am also walking a very fine line of is it simply asking for support or is it, entitled behaviors. As in getting my health back the one thing I forgot was my mental health, and that is really important to me as a person with a disability what we could consider self-care others could consider entitled, but it’s a delicate dance of is it entitled or is it a person's reactions to boundaries and this is a really interesting thing to consider, as sometimes when you get the support you need, I have seen a couple of “ interesting” reactions. These are all from my nuclear family from my wider family it’s seen as taking pressure on my family and this is kind of weird because my family feels “put out” by the fact th...

Things that we are most likely forgetting to clean.

    So last night I watched the Netflix documentary Poisoned and I think I need to start out by saying something really important. I am located in Australia and we don’t have the food production monopolies and lobbyists that the USA does but it got me thinking on another random tangent, that is cleaning, don’t get me wrong we need to be on top of where our food comes from and I am going to start making major changes in my life around my diet and start making some documentation around it as I know diet is a major player in having auto immune diseases go into essential remission, before having to go onto very heavy medications that are used in cancer. But I as I do went down an adjacent rabbit hole and still haven’t reached the proverbial warren, that is food safety at home and adjacent to that cleaning as you can have a tidy home that is not clean and I know, as I have been that person and I admit we all get busy and we all need to work and families can’t have one person at h...

The difference between a reason and a excuse

 I am studying at the moment but saw a post from a disabled creator on this platform talking about internalised ableism and I get that is a thing, as I know that I have it most of the time but where do we start to draw the line and say that we aren’t responsible for educating everyone we meet about our disability and that there is sometimes for hidden or physical disabilities a time to meet society’s expectations, for what we are about to do. We can’t expect the world to change for us when we aren’t willing to put in the work  and I know that this opinion will cop a lot of backlash but we need to be accountable to the best of our abilities and acknowledge how far we have come and we need to be thank full for what we have as we have more than the people who came before us and fought for us to have equal access and are still fighting for equal access, but what I don’t agree with is equity as this removes all the learning opposites and provides a space for learnt dependence and...

We need to talk about work, and disablity.

  So, I was seriously considering if I wanted to post this to the blog and linked in but I feel like I need to as I saw a headline and I couldn’t access the article but it was the headline read, Disability forgotten diversity. But are we “really forgotten” in a work context as I would love to be working and being social as work is more than the tasks, we do for someone with a disability it might be the only chance they have to be social and to be able to work with others.     However, I do see many people put into the two hard basket especially hidden disabilities and the ability, to work remotely or even from home as many workplaces aren’t simply accessible.   Also more than that we are seen as a burden and a risk to have on board unless in a “supported work place” often a polite euphemism for a workplace that is legally allowed to pay less than minimum wage on the premise that we will lose our benefits, but often ( depending on the country) are encouraged to ha...

you a not a burden

This is a post that I wrote in my head last night as I am in the middle of potentially changing supported living houses but staying with the same company and I can’t remember something heartbreaking. I can’t remember the last time someone physically said they love me, or I am doing good or congratulated me for doing something well, as my family often has concern for me, and I don’t see that my actions have consequences for other people. But please don’t feel sorry for me first and that my family and friends do they do it by there actions and this has lead me to some really interesting feelings of knowing I am an adult but at the same time feeling really alone in the world as I see my friendship group that are “ able bodied” go to work and have the arguments about the kids and I really feel like I have missed that boat on having a stable romantic relationship due to me not being able to really trust anyone and that actually includes myself and my support team in the house as they have...

Disablity and Mental health.

I was going to post this to Linked In but now after some reflection I didn’t and I feel it’s much better to hear Let me know what you think we see that people need to be aware that I am feeling this way and I see that this comes from a place of not being heard and seen. I can’t remember the last time that I felt seen or heard and got told I did something well, I got pitied or yelled at for doing things wrong, or breaking procedures/policies I didn’t know existed.  So, let's jump into it. So I was on this platform and I have been posting my content for a while and I do need to consider what I post given that this is a site for professionals and job seekers designed to connect them. However, I am seeing, and much to their credit disability activists posting their content and I don’t have much to do with my “activism” community in my area.  I thought that I would explain why why I don’t like the term “activism” and prefer spokesperson, as it gives a much more dignified tone a...

Things I can do as a person with a disability to save money.

  This is a bit of a different post and I hope it doesn’t discourage my readers but I feel it’s something that we need to discuss, due to the fact that many people want to save money but don’t know how and there is a facility when it comes to saving money call the bootstrap fallacy and it’s that you need to just be able to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and this isn’t the case if you are in debt or need to save money it can be hard when you have a disability and your country doesn’t offer a care program. So, this is going to be a basic practical list and yes it will be Australian, but I think anyone could take something away from it. ·          Do up a budget and see if it's possible to cut things from it. ·        Have a clearly defined needs and want lists. ·        If you need new clothes, can you get the decent quality that will last so you aren’t constantly re buying ite...

Personal accountablity the next steps and where to from hear.

   This is an update to the personal accountability post and development post, So the things that I have ticked off my list are. Making the physio appointment and I will be getting back on track with the appointments, for medical appointments and what needs to happen next. The one thing that I am now going to do is get my budget back on track as well, so this means for me no new clothes except bras and undies, and to hand make Christmas and birthday present as I am between paid projects as well. As well as preparing to move as well so this could be a massive issue as well, so it’s now focusing on what I need to do to get myself back on track and we are then able to help myself to help others and to have the ability to help others and we are seeing that people need to be able to work as a team. We are working towards being able to help others as well, so being accountable as well is a massive issue to me as I haven’t been accountable to others for a very long time and we ...

My personal development continued the next steps.

  This is something that I need to write for accountability, so I have due to some personal reasons and some with changes in care staff have got out of a routine and have let bad habits creep drinking excess caffeine (though I have discovered that name-brand coke soft drink does give me some level of pain relief, from nerve pain) These things being. Binge eating at night. Not keeping up with housework Not having a good solid routine Not exercising enough to be able to keep excess weight off I am not talking to support workers when things are getting to me Not keeping up with my specialist appointments Not keeping up with friends Being over-tired due to having too much screen time Not keeping up with my physiotherapy Not understanding the role of support workers in my life Not keeping up with the housework I am responsible for and accountable for – washing and ironing clothes and keeping an accurate shopping list, Not keeping to a reasonable budget and allowi...