My thoughts on friendly Jordie's speaking up when it matters.
This post is one that again I am a bit scared of and yes I am a person who can be scared of my success, in a way, but it is my thoughts on the friendly Jordie’s situation, he is a political YouTuber who has successfully tackled topics that the mainstream media won’t or can’t touch due to funding or other issues such as not being able to give fair and unbiased coverage. I will be the first to say I don’t agree with everything he says but that is where living in a democratic society is a blessing, but we see that actions have consequences and freedom of speech isn’t freedom of consequences. But now one deserves the consequences of having your home targeted and the mainstream media doxing you, doxing is putting someone else’s private information, on the internet without their express consent with the intent to do them harm, this is a very dark side of the internet culture, and we see that this and cancel culture is on every creator’s mind when we see people taking...