Disability and the internet
So I realized I was going so deep into scrolling into my phone at night it was starting to affect my sleep hygiene and this hasn't been great at the best of times. I didn't even realize that it had a name. It is called Revenge Bedtime Procrastination. Revenge Bedtime Procrastination: Definition & Psychology | Sleep Foundation For me, it started when I had to move back to the family home and this came with a lot of issues that due to my health and disabilities we are still working through. However talking with my care team made me realize that people with disabilities that don't work and are on benefits often have very little enjoyment and movies and the internet are the way that they interact with the world, this was even pre-pandemic. So for me, I have charted my failure of getting back into a good routine, as I did want to do a complete digital detox but I live in an area where Covid is still very much a risk, and being a blogger doesn't help however ...