Disablity Media and writers rooms.


In a previous post, I have written about disability and media representation around disability in the media so it wanting to find out more I asked this question on  Quora and have received some interesting responses to it. 

To me, it shows an awareness of people wanting to have accurate representation but not willing to risk ratings as the reality of media whether it be a blog, YouTube, free-to-air TV or on a streaming service, or pre covid at a movie theatre it is a business and it is there to make money. If the ratings aren't there it will get axed and add to that if an actor says anything wrong, it could cost the series and the production company a lot of money. 

If they are a young actor and naïve they can generally be educated on the topic, but the question of disability and representation starts in the creative process so essentially in the writer's room. 

depends on the illness, right off the bat I have experience and understanding of some illnesses so I would be happy to write them. others I would definitely do the research if I couldn’t get inside understanding what it’s like from within and how I relate to it, then I wouldn’t try. I think it’s down to the writing, if you can respect the audience and the subject then there’s no reason not to pay tribute by writing about it - it’s a positive thing if you don’t exploit it. you can do what you like if you have it because having it makes it authentic even if you write negatively about it. eg Joker vs Adaptation vs It’s Such A Beautiful Day vs my left foot, I mean it all depends on what you’re going for. but definitely, if you don’t have an understanding enough to write it well, do the research until you do. nothing worse than artificial verisimilitude over realism.

This I feel is very well put around having respect for the story's being told, however the issue I have especially is that often people with disabilities don't have the budget for streaming services or to go to the movies so children and young people with disabilities don't often see themselves represented accurately. 


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