
support workers are human to

This is something that we need to talk about, and I see that we need to be aware of it, that support workers are human and need good backup support from their agency. I saw a couple of incidents that we need to be reminded of that there are some great agencies out there and that we need to remember that the support workers do have, lives outside of work, many clients, and having to be able to work with a large group of people can be massive. We also see that this is something that Large multi-office organizations seem to forget they are focused on the numbers, and we don’t want to see that we want to see person-centered care from a lot of people, and we see that this is something that people need and want and what is person-centered care? It is something that we need to be aware of it is where the person is put at the front of their care and people need to be aware that it’s driven by the person with a disability, not the care organizations and we see that this could be a massive iss...

I had to have these conversation's.

This was unbelievable to me that I had to have these conversations around what is a disability and a chronic illness, what made this situation so unbelievable was the fact that the person involved was a younger support worker and it shows me that we need to have a serious push for education around disability and what disability support is and that it does involve a large amount of care.   I am finding it harder and harder to deal with the lack of general education of the support workers and their unwillingness to see that because I am high functioning doesn’t mean that I am not disabled, and we see that people need to be aware of this and we see that many disability advocates are working both online and offline that are willing to come and work with people to learn about “hidden disabilities” so these being disabilities that aren’t obvious to people at first glance and we see that people are becoming more aware of this and this is great but there isn’t a great deal of informal su...

Gas Lighting by providers how I stopped it

Gaslighting is a term used to describe when a person tries to manipulate the situation or your interpretation of a situation to make you believe that your recollection of events is not correct and that they can then use it to manipulate you into doing things.  This so we need to be aware that it’s not your recollection of events that has changed it is that a person or a provider is trying to manipulate you into believing that you are not capable of remembering events correctly and this can happen intentionally or unintentionally when it is intentional some things can be done about it and you need to be aware that providers have a duty of care to prevent things from happening to you so what you might see as gas lighting might ae duty of care issues. I am talking about when a person is systemically doing things to make you doubt yourself and your abilities. Gaslighting - Wikipedia  This from a provider could be changing a shift time and not telling you and making you bel...

A chat about the reality of living with a disablity

So this video  and this blog post came on the back of what I outlined in my post about what a support worker can and can’t do for you and we see that it’s view count is still rising, and I think that we now need to step back and have a little chat about the reality of living with a disability and  doing some myth busting around it but I need people to be aware of a couple of things before we dive in these being that these are only my lived experiences and not universal experiences but we see that people do have to deal with this all the time and it might not be as a result of your disability but as a result of poor support and care and this we see can lead to a massive amount of harm and we see that this level of harm can lead to very poor physical and mental health outcomes and this is the first thing that I would like people to know that living with a disability isn’t “cute” or funny it is downright hard work and that is the second thing I would like people to know that I wo...

What a support worker can do for you and what the can't part one my story with support

 I need people to be aware that this blog post is from my lived experience as a person with a disability.  It is something that we do need to talk about is that I have talked at length about it in other blog posts so it needs to be talked about this is what a support worker can and can’t do for someone and this is a difficult topic to be objective about for me because I have had very poor care and at the same time fantastic care.  I can’t seem to reconcile the two together as it has kept me off balance for a long time, but a support worker is there to help you to be more independent and not less independent and we see that this can be a massive issue if a person doesn’t know what good support work looks like.  Or is unable to define what their limits are for a support worker working with challenging clients.  This could potentially be quite dangerous due to a person not being able to speak up due to experiences with support workers in the past and this is wh...

duty of care and support shifts

So, regarding the duty of care, we saw that this is a topic that not a lot of support workers understand in depth. At the time of writing and recording, I am currently in the process of changing support agencies for community access. We see that people know the term but at the same time do not understand it since people are unable to define the concept of duty of care and support and they need to be tightly defined to be able to understand what people are talking about. As we do hear and see a lot about a lack of duty of care and it is a legal concept in nursing, childcare, foster care, teaching, and disability services, just to name a few services that have it embedded into the model of care as it is a part of the care that is needed for a person.  It is defined as that a person who is responsible for a child or an adult is responsible for the other person a child or a vulnerable adult and this means that they have a legal obligation to protect the person they are caring for or ...

What makes a good suport agency?

  What is a good support agency and how do pick one we see that this is more complex than just going with one, as you need to consider a lot of things that we see can be a massive factor in choosing the right support agency for you?   You need to look at a lot of factors, some things that seem obvious like do you like their ethics, do they have space for you, do they treat you as a human and not a cash cow, and what happens if they need to cancel and you have plans as some support services promise person-centred care but deliver very poor levels of support and backup to the clients and their families leading to family conflict and wondering if having a support agency is even worth it and worth the drama of trying to get good support.   As I have been wondering this myself. As I am starting to see that this is something that we need to talk about as it’s an ongoing issue there is no formal standard for the deliveries of support in an agency setting and it can be hard t...

office culture in disablity support organization's and how it impacts on...

  This is a continuation of a series of posts I have done and I see that it’s something that needs to be talked about and that is the culture in disability service organizations and in particular in the office as we see that I had a comment saying that a person with a disability should never be seen as just a cash cow and if you are treated this way to speak up. Also, I have realized that the office culture regardless of the industry goes across all industries and it’s not just related to health and disability care as they are co-adjacent industries. We see that people are unwilling to admit in the disability sector that they are the problem and if they admit that the office culture is the problem this then means that they need to change, and change means disruptions and it’s not a disruption to the client as a lot of clients are trained to not complain or speak up due to fear of being labeled a complainer when this is what needs to happen we need people to speak up. Both Clients...

Person-centered words vs disability wording

Person-centred wording is something that we need to be aware of but we need to be aware that it has two sides and it is rooted in what we call the social model of disability and this says that as a person with a disability we don’t need fixing that the world needs to accommodate the needs of people with a disability much better that in currently does. Most people respect this wording but we see that it has it’s challenged in that some people due to the industry they work in are much more comfortable with the medical model of disability and the wording it provides as it makes their life so much easier and we see that some people. Mostly online are trying to police this and we see that it’s actually in fighting between people with a disability as the medical model at times is the framework that needs to be worked in and there needs to be the technical wording used and as long as it is respectfully I do wonder what we need to be aware of in what harm using this framework is doing, as ...

Passive support and the risks with having only passive support

  What is passive support and how does it create risks in the NDIS, so passive support is as complex as active support but it is more of a hands-off approach so it is person-centered in a way that there is a minimum direction in what people are being given when they are paying for the support it often happens in people who are higher functioning and are capable of making their own decisions but need support in a practical sense.   So this is practical support, in activities of daily living and we see that if a support worker makes assumptions, we see that this is where the risk of passive support comes in and there are times when it is very appropriate in a person with a disability. However, when a support worker is too hands-off we can see it leading to situations if the support worker isn’t fully aware of their client's disabilities it can lead to situations that can lead to the potential for harm so this is where it needs to be balanced with support and this is a very h...