I had to have these conversation's.

This was unbelievable to me that I had to have these conversations around what is a disability and a chronic illness, what made this situation so unbelievable was the fact that the person involved was a younger support worker and it shows me that we need to have a serious push for education around disability and what disability support is and that it does involve a large amount of care.  

I am finding it harder and harder to deal with the lack of general education of the support workers and their unwillingness to see that because I am high functioning doesn’t mean that I am not disabled, and we see that people need to be aware of this and we see that many disability advocates are working both online and offline that are willing to come and work with people to learn about “hidden disabilities” so these being disabilities that aren’t obvious to people at first glance and we see that people are becoming more aware of this and this is great but there isn’t a great deal of informal support for people with these hidden disabilities in regional areas.

So  I have talked about this in this video that there were two separate incidents that one support worker didn’t realize that I had some chronic illness and asked me when my illness where going to go away this stunned me because it is in my file that I have this chronic illness so I found that I needed to explain to a support worker what a chronic illness, actually is and this seems to be endemic of what support workers when they start and have very little experience of disability, and then go on and do training we see that many people are willing to learn but I am concerned that because there is a need for more support workers than can fill the role that you can learn on the job, and this attracts people who aren’t suited to the role of support worker as I have talked about before they need to have a broad set of skills and this can be difficult to define but the soft skills are active listening skills.  Empathy, great planning skills, and general life skills in being able to present options to a client that are workable, and achievable to them and we see that people need to be able to understand the negative impact of having a bad support worker can have on a person as it’s not only the person it effects but their family and friends as support workers are the scaffolding and where the rubber meets the road of the NDIS and we see that this is where people perceive it is easy to work. It’s not and it can be very hard emotionally and physically at the moment, and we see that people need to be aware of this but at the same time, it is very rewarding to a person seeing a person achieve their goals.

The support worker in question was willing to learn from a client but we see that not all support workers are so willing to be open to learning from their clients we see that people are most open to this but at the same time we see that I had another support worker who I am not sure what was going on in her life but we see that she was very unwilling to learn from me and shut me down for essentially doing my homework and she couldn’t see my point of view and she went out of her way to make me feel bad for having a viewpoint that was different to her own and she saw it as her job to try to correct my thought time and the funny thing now in hindsight is that I know for the blog that I have done my homework on the issues that she didn’t see as issues as I see them.   

She was not even able to agree to disagree, but we see that people need to be able to agree to disagree and we see that people need to be aware that this is happening to people, and that it’s not ok.  To treat someone like this. 

I am sure that some of you are interested in what it was that so offended the support worker it was that I was in the process of recording a video in support of Dr. Jordan Peterson and we see that he is quite polarizing and this is ok as we live in a country that has freedom of speech in law and he is ringing quite sensible alarm bells about people being silenced and the rot that is some social media platforms and I can understand that some people won’t agree with his point of view or even my point of view but this isn’t the point is that I was told about the supposed harm that he has done and when I questioned how much digging this support worker had done it was very little she had believed what she had read and not done any additional thinking or reading on what is happening to him.   But we see that is crime is essentially telling the truth to the masses and exposing people’s corruption and he is being forced to undergo social media re-education and as he has said on his daughters podcast’s that the media re training it has no defined goals, no defined time line and it is basically trying to bring him into line with the Canadian’s left govement and I don’t agreed with everything that Dr Peterson has to say but I see that he has a large following of people who are waking up to what is happening and that we in the Weston world are going down the same path as  Germany did with the gradual erosion of rights, not being able to criticize people and this  allows people to fall into line with the govement who would then take away further freedoms and  they then start to scape goat a certain population and along with them the people who are ringing the alarm bells they tried to silence and we see that Dr Jorden Peterson has done his homework on totalitarian governments and  has travelled to Germany and has had conversations with people who have lived under communism and in theory it is a great idea in practice it’s not such a great idea due to the fact that humans are flawed people and that they have tired communism in every culture across a lot of time lines and it has never worked democracy and capitalism is the best we have for now and we see that  Australia being a constitutional monarchy with a figurehead keeps the elected politicians in check and the current monarch does have the power to dissolve parliament this is what happened to  Gough Whitlam as we see that the governor general wrote to HRH Queen Elizabeth the second (  21 April 1926 – 8 September 2022) to ask that parliament be dissolved and this means that if parliament can’t agree on an issue that they can be dissolved and we go to a vote. (I know that there is much more to it than this, but I need to get back to the issues at hand)

Gough Whitlam: 'Well may we say God save the Queen', Parliament House - 1975 — Seakale


I know that I have studied enough history to know that what is happening to Dr Peterson is politically motivated but this support worker didn’t want to admit that and was muddying the waters and I know that I can be difficult and challenging but it’s a support workers job  to lift a person up and encourage them and to push them in a good direction and not to make them feel bad and this has been a repeated issue with this support worker and it highlights the need for them to be aware that a client that is older than them might have a bit more life experience and so to support them you might need to agree to disagree and not push your opinions onto them and this is a direct violation of the universal declaration of human right and the universal declaration of rights of people with a disability so that the right to freedom of expression and the right to  equal access to the care they need and this comes under the right to freedom of expression to express a view that is different to hers and I see that it for someone who is easily lead could have led to some very different outcomes rather than me just righting a rant blog post about this and I see that the conversations I had in the house after this had gone down was about the support workers immaturity and that she should have known better than to push a clients buttons and that what would have happened if a person didn’t have the critical thinking skills that I have been taught it could have been a very different outcome and this means that we need to have a much heavier qualification for support workers than there certificate three as it covers very little of what they need to know as a support worker and we are losing good support workers due the overreach of big providers in the way that they deliver their support.


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