
Support workers reading list Part one

  Any Support Workers Reading List This started out as a bit of a joke, but as I started talking about it, I realised it’s surely needed for people new to support work who need resources to develop their skills. The most important document to read is the person’s case notes and plan. People often say not to share your plan; I get the reasoning behind not sharing fiscal details, but how can support workers be effective if they don’t know your goals? How can they truly support someone? It’s also crucial to read the instructions for any assistive technology the person uses. Don’t just assume you know how to use it. This equipment can be expensive, and you may be responsible for the replacement cost if you break it. Other essential resources to review include: The NDIS Code of Ethics The NDIS Onboarding Modules The person’s medication routine Any positive behaviour support plan's  Any meal time management needs If a client has a social media presence ( like I do  please read ...

What I did over Christmas when not online.

So yes I do have a life outside of content creation and this is the quilt I have been working on its hand pieced, so hand sewen as well, Yes my hand aches at times but I would suggest anyone with a disability or cares for someone with a disability either formally or informally have a hobby to help with mental and physcal health and connection.  It doesn't have to be expensive by the way, I just thought you would like some photos.   

lunch box/ meal ideas

 So I am working on boxing day and that is strategic that some people who I need to thank for presents and somewhere practical, and I am sure some of my readers who are in the industry would  have gifted clients new bags and lunch boxes, But then it what to fill them with and there are many  “ nutrition” content creators that have some great ideas, but there are going to be some additional considerations,  such as allergies, Mobily issues where they are going, how long they are going to be there and what “perks “they provide. Some offices have free snacks, as long as they aren’t an everyday thing I think take advantage of it, It is part of the remuneration package, as well, but I know if the person is in a Sil ( or group home) they will track eating to see that the person is eating well. But some ideas are classic ideas, of muesli bars, rice crackers and cheese sticks and these are adults, so can you send cheese cubes, but again check allergies well as younger ...

Day centre styles, dress styles I vibe to

  Hey all so I live with two other housemates many people live in shared houses these days well into adulthood, but mine is what they call in Australia a Sil (supported independent living). The NDIS (national disability insurance scheme) fund it, and we have in the house beings called support workers that help us in what they call ADL (Activities of daily living) But watching and observing support staff, do there jobs one thing I see is major is not something you would expect but some staff in this area have great attention to detail, and just in general, to the point that I am moving a teddy bear by stealth and all but one member of staff have noticed, But I have let the housing manager know and they are going to do something brilliant they are going to use at about how attention to detail is so important in support.  But as my housemates have complex needs, they are responsible for dressing them and their level of hygiene. These are some outfit ideas, and I know that cho...

Day centre bags and hygiene,

  So, I did a short that I didn’t think would get much attention, it was around if you’re a support worker, if day centres, community centres and other activity centres shut down over Christmas and they new year, to check them.   I didn’t mean to set off the comments sections but I did and it’s amazing to see that support workers have very varied views( it’s almost that there are human) but for the health of your clients, please at least once a week can you unpack it, wash it and re pack it as someday centre bags as it can be a hygiene issue, weather they a at school or other activities this goes to hygiene as well, and it’s something that some support workers will have amazing attention to detail but others may not think about it, but it is import to do it. Also, something to consider is how long the bags need to last, and if others are going to get jealous so it needs to be a consideration around buying things including lunch boxes as well.   But   it’s som...

why your vibe matters

  Ok, I have to level with you this is one of two pieces of content I have had pushback about, one I won’t mention but I learnt my lesson around consent with it, but now I am focusing on back to basics around disability and support workers. However, people have taken it the wrong way and once content is on the web it takes a life of its own.   But what I am saying is that anyone in the care space who works with vulnerable people, needs to be aware of what that person needs and their loved one’s needs and you need to realise you’re doing a job, and can’t rock into a shift, late and have your smoke and then read the notes, you need to be on time to do hand over or for a shift, as well, do they need you to be a coach, or do they need you to lower your energy it seems to be something that people say I am there hype person but is that the energy they need? Support is a therapeutic collaborative relationship and if people don’t get it then we really need you to think about...

Charging safety

  This is a post I never thought I would write but I think it’s important to highlight this as we come up to Christmas, we have a lot of fires that can be prevented, from things like Christmas lights, cooking and other one that slips attention that caught my attention as I found myself watching Grand tour Clips and it Richard Hammonds second crash, in the Rimac, an electric vocal, they are quite sensitive around showing the footage, as the cameraman runs to help, But as we can see Amazon, Ben Collins and Andy Willman made changes to safety, but when you see James May talking about how long it took to put out, we are now realising the dangers of lithium-ion batteries   The explosions and they can’t be put out with water, I   then asked the question well what about mobility aid’s and communication devices and according to QFS web site yes they have the same batterie. They do have a PDF safety sheet but the general advice ...

Clarkson, Hammond and May muttering dross in the news

 I have been a top gear fan for years, and haven't had the chance to see the grand tour yet, but have followed Clarkson, Hammon and May after they finished and I want to point out that yes they did have a very " blokey" attitude at the time and that top gear was as James May has recently said on both drive tribe and Donut media, that it was a product of its time, and that is true, and people say  they where ableist.  We need to remember they where the original's at rage bait as well, but we can see Hammonds reaction to the Mobility scooter story, and that the question of well is it a car or  a peace of medical equipment as well.  the other thing I want to point out that they have pointed out is that behind the seens the made magic happen for family's of children with a disablity and in the episode about off road mobility scooters they through doing what would be considered bad taste today, they did the TV thing of show don't tell, around the issues with off ro...

Delta scout park,

So I have gone completely off track but   I have now finally got my grove back, I have discovered a mystery I record local parks for YouTube so support workers can see what they have and judge the suitability of them as well, however, I did a video that I will link below about a park called Delta scout park and it's on Hume st Toowoomba but we assumed that there would be a plaque or something to say that there was a scout hut, but we couldn’t see anything. So my care team and I are now working towards finding out if there was a scout hut there, we think there may have been something, it was the area the 4 th Scouts met. I am in Guiding, so I know where to look for Scout history, but I am going to start doing a deep dive into this park. I don’t know what has got me researching this story, but I finally have something other than disability to talk about.   2nd Toowoomba Scouts: History   So I have been able to get hold of a book about scouting on the downs, ...

Community day trip

So my community access support agency went on a day trip on Wednesday to Brisbane and Mt Coot-tha and the Brisbane Planetarium. We had a wet but enjoyable day. This is a photo dump, and my international viewers might recognize some of the sights from the TV cartoon Bluey , the episode The Sign .