You a not a burden
This is something that I have had in draft form for a while but it needs to be said and that you are not a burden as we see that in coming up to Christmas we will have well meaning but uninformed people talking to us about life and asking us when we are getting a Job, going back to study or moving out of home. Also l feel that this time of year for a lot of people brings a lot of stress so we need to say to people you are not a burden and if you look at the volunteer hours if you had to pay someone what people with disabilities do their would be a massive economic burden to this and often people with disability’s do this for free, or for under the award wages. We also see that people are talking about what is in the news and often this is the NDIS and we see that this is a whole other issue due to the fact that people see it as a cost blow out and don’t really understand that it is a complex program and often it’s not the clients that are defrauding the system it i...