The sunflower laynard.
It's been a game-changer for me. Even in Aldi, the cashier slows down, even though I'm with a support worker. While it took me a while to feel comfortable wearing it, the people in my personal life have been supportive—especially when others notice it and help by letting me go to the front of the queue.
I'm rarely unsupervised, but the lanyard helps if I get lost, overwhelmed, or need assistance from a stranger. From my understanding, it started in the UK at Gatwick Airport after a passenger with an invisible disability missed a flight because they weren’t easily identifiable. The airport worked with them to create a discreet way to signal the need for extra help, and the idea has since taken off worldwide.
I’m doing my part to raise awareness about hidden disabilities, and this small tool has made a big difference in my daily life.
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