Why I didn't sleep last night part 2

 As I write this, I’m feeling a bit tired but reflecting on how I slept reasonably well last night after attending an event. This experience reinforces my belief that staying up later helps me sleep better, and I’ve discussed this with a manager of my housing facility who agrees and will address the concerns of those who are worried about my late-night schedule.

I actually managed to sleep through the night, only waking up a couple of times for a quick snack and to adjust the temperature with my electric blanket. Though I’m still dealing with some pain, being tired seems to make it less noticeable.

I started writing this before a support shift and am curious about how I’ll sleep tonight, as my week has a basic structure, but my day-to-day life varies significantly based on what I need to accomplish or where I need to go. I did have some coffee in the afternoon because I was tired, and I’m interested to see if pushing myself to the point of exhaustion might help me sleep better. Tonight will be a bit of an experiment, but I’m optimistic, especially with the support staff I have on duty.

I’m also beginning to feel secure enough here to start planning for the future, including taking online courses and budgeting long-term. There are many free, accredited online learning platforms, so don’t let a lack of local schools stop you from studying or improving yourself.


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