Navigating Media and Scientific Literacy: Reflections from Terrance Howard's Interview on Joe Rogan's Podcast

  I all so I put this up on my sub stack and patron but I feel after listening closely to Terrance Howard on Joe Rogan it seems that we need to have a very serious conversation about and around Media literacy and this is going to be an ongoing topic for me, as this topic is close to my heart as I am working on it myself.  So this will be an ongoing series about how the impact of media has impacted me how I choose some books and where to get the media education. 

Recently, I had the opportunity to listen to Terrance Howard's interview on Joe Rogan's podcast. The conversation was a stark reminder of the importance of kindness, media literacy, and scientific literacy in our increasingly complex world. Howard's use of scientific language, albeit often out of context, highlighted a crucial issue: the need for critical thinking skills and a robust understanding of the media landscape.

In today’s society, the lack of critical thinking education in schools is becoming more apparent. Critical thinking skills are essential for questioning narratives and assessing information accurately. Unfortunately, these skills are often not adequately taught, leaving individuals vulnerable to misinformation and biased perspectives.

The Importance of Media Literacy

Media literacy involves understanding who owns the media, recognizing media bias, and identifying the spin in news reporting. This literacy is crucial for discerning the quality and reliability of information we consume daily. Misinformation can spread quickly, but with the right tools, we can become more adept at recognizing and challenging it.

Scientific Literacy and Context

Scientific literacy goes hand in hand with media literacy. Understanding scientific concepts and language within the correct context prevents misinterpretation and misuse. During the podcast, Joe Rogan attempted to unpack Howard's scientific claims with kindness, but the discussion underscored the need for a deeper public understanding of scientific principles.

Recommended Resources for Improving Literacy

To address these gaps in literacy, I recommend several books and resources that provide a solid foundation in critical thinking, media literacy, and scientific literacy:

Books to Read

  1. "Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling" by John Taylor Gatto

    • This book explores the shortcomings of modern education and its failure to foster critical thinking skills.

  2. "The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure" by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt

    • Lukianoff and Haidt discuss the impact of overprotection on young people’s development and the importance of resilience and critical thinking.

  3. "Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media" by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky

    • A seminal work that analyzes how media serves the interests of powerful societal groups, influencing public perception.

YouTubers to Follow

In addition to books, there are several YouTubers who provide valuable insights and alternative perspectives on various topics:

  1. FriendlyJordies (Jordan Shanks)

    • Known for political commentary and critiques, Jordan Shanks offers an alternative viewpoint on current events.

  2. Dr. Jordan Peterson

    • Peterson provides insights into psychology, philosophy, and self-improvement, often engaging in discussions about media and societal issues.

  3. Russell Brand

    • Brand's commentary on politics, society, and personal growth challenges mainstream narratives and encourages critical thinking.

  4. Simon Whistler

    • Whistler runs multiple educational YouTube channels like "Today I Found Out" and "Biographics," providing well-researched content on a wide range of topics.

Additional Educational Resources

For those looking to further enhance their media and scientific literacy, online courses are a valuable resource. Platforms like Coursera, edX, and Khan Academy offer courses focused on media literacy and critical thinking skills. Additionally, local libraries often have programs and book lists dedicated to improving literacy in general.


The insights gained from Terrance Howard's interview on Joe Rogan's podcast serve as a reminder of the importance of media and scientific literacy. By educating ourselves and fostering critical thinking, we can navigate the complexities of the information age with greater confidence and discernment. Whether through books, YouTube channels, or online courses, there are numerous resources available to help us become more informed and critically engaged citizens.


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