Educational links and ideas for cutting down boredom


 This is going to be a very self-indulgent post but it’s something that I at the same time think could help others with their budgeting some a boredom busters as well, so these do require unlimited access to the internet and some do have some cost for accreditation or to get a physical certificate.

So these are all online platforms that I use ( some I do get money for promoting ) but I do like everyone that I am promoting as they are things that help me to either,  continue my education journey, save money, or find inspiration for ideas to write about and some I have used since I was studying and had to give up on a natural health degree, and I also see that some of these do encourage people to think crucially as you don’t need a university education to question the narrative that the legacy media are telling you and some of these are books that I have read to help me understand world history and to understand how we came to be where we are. As I recently got complimented on my level of general education and I see that this is a good thing.

Also, let me know if you want me to do a full blog on the non-fiction books I have read as I in fiction never really graduated from young adult fiction but some of these are comparable to adult fiction and discuss tropes that are very grounded in reality and they question the narrative we are being taught.


Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky - Penguin Books Australia

Eichmann in Jerusalem by Hannah Arendt | A Report on the Banality of Evil | 9780143039884 | Booktopia

Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond - Penguin Books Australia

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk | Mind, Brain, and Body in the Transformation of Trauma | 9780141978611 | Booktopia (“What to read next as recommended by our therapists - The body keeps the ...”)

The Reality Slap by Russ Harris | How to Survive and Thrive When Life Hits Hard | 9781925820911 | Booktopia

Fingerprints of God by BARBARA BRADLEY HAGERTY | What Science Is Learning About the Brain and Spiritual Experience | 9781594484629 | Booktopia


There will be others that I know that I have read but these are the ones that left an impression on me.  Also you don’t have to by the books the local council library is always a great place and mine does not only books but DVD, CD and video games as well. They also have access to streatming and online accedimcia content though your library card so it’s something to remember, and to understand that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to educate yourself about the world and to question what mainstream and legacy media is telling us, so this could be

Websites and YouTubers

The Why Files - YouTube

Jessica Kellgren-Fozard - YouTube

How to ADHD - YouTube

Jordan B Peterson - YouTube

AlexJonesNewsChannel - YouTube



There are also some podcasters that I listen to, and some help have different views of the world but again I encourage my readers to do their homework. (do you f**Ing mind) (no such thing as a fish) (the Joe Rogan experience)

More from Download This Show - ABC listen

If You're Listening with Matt Bevan - ABC listen


and I haven’t even gotten to the websites that I use and some of these are amazing, they have full education modules I know that the parents that follow me would have had to use these during remote learning.


 Dashboard | Khan Academy This is amazing I am using it to fill in the gaps in my maths history to go back to finish a natural health qualification.

(this is an affiliate link so full disclosure)

Coursera | Degrees, Certificates, & Free Online Courses

LinkedIn Learning: Online Courses for Creative, Technology, Business Skills


Hot Questions - Stack Exchange This is a good one for computer programming and collaboration and it gets around the traditional academic structures.

I would love to hear your recommendations as well,  and I haven’t included Quora as it used to be a great sight but now has a lot of trolls and misinformation as well I will do some blog posts over on the media blog about some TV shows and documentaries I have found interesting and the impact they have had on me and some new youtubers that deserve a shout out, as well.


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