Disablity and Ablism.
So after the findings
of the disability royal commission, we see that people are discovering what it
means to be disabled in Australia and what the words we are throwing around
mean and I discovered in cleaning up my blog and hard drive that I had this video
on ablism, and it’s different for every person when they discover that they are
disabled or start to identity with that labeled more and more as I realize that
I have a TBI and have accepted it but I have only in the past 4 to 5 years accepted that a TBI is a disable
and affects my life and the lives of the people around me as well.
But what is ableism, it’s basically when people dismiss or invalidate
a disability in assuming that most people can do things for themselves, and most
people with a disability might have workarounds but some might need a lot of
support to do very basic tasks. It heard much more about accessibility, so
having places that are accessible is much more than a ramp to get in it’s ooking at having sign lalanguagentermates. It's
looking at having mobility aid access, so not discriminating against a person
because of their disability but it still happens and it really doy me that
people are more aware of not offending people with there pronouns wtheirt’s
actually a much more serious issue with ablism and how even support workers can
be ablest at times.
I haven’t for a very long time encountered a support worker
that is ablest some need a bit of training but it’s easily done that they get
the training they need, and some acanhelp me to a degree that I never though pothought,
in taking me shopping for products that I thought due to the embarrassment of
having to by them instore that it would be better to by them online.
I have been able to have frank conversations around navigating
relationships with people and how to not offend them or how to ay thanks. I am also very aware
that I am privileged as well as I am seeing that people in homes that are built
with disability in mind are being sold off and that we don’t have real chose
and cochoice about who we live with. I am blessed to have a great bunch of
house mateshousematese an amazing team, But I know that some people aren’t as
lucky and I will be talking about some ablest comments in much more depth but
some comments are.
You don’t look disabled, disability isn’t a look and you can’t
identify people with hidden disability
But why do you need that accommodation it’s not fair, yes it
is it leveling the playing field for people with disabilities
I wish I didn’t have to work, I wish I could work going,,
and am actively looking for work.
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