Mangus Bane and the links to disablity decision making, part two.
So in a previous post, I wrote about Mangus from the Books by Cassandra Clare and the TV show on Netflix
we see that he is a warlock and we see that due to his boyfriend parabatai
being possessed by Lilith in the show, controlled by Jonathan in the books as
we see that the book to the screen had to be different because they
had copyright issues with original, content
owner and some plotlines in the books had to be changed for TV one being that
Magnus loses his magic to save Jace alec Parabaiti, and I have written on this relationship
before and this is the link to the posts.
However in short we see that it is a supernatural bond between people of the same sex as in the past in the books they had people of different sexes come together to form this bond and they fell in love and by them falling in love we see that they became “true Nephilim,” as we see that the shadow hunters are half mundane, half angel so they are the lowest ranking in heaven and in the shadow world, so we see that they have a very different world view to what we “mundane’s,” would see, and Mangus admits that when Alec comes to him for help when his sister is put on trial and I have written about this in this post and I realise that I am referring to a lot of previous posts but it does provide the background to this post, but we see that Mangus due to the very nature of being immortal sees that “mundane’s,” and shadow hunters alike can’t learn from their own history and we see that he says about, that a shadow hunter can chose any advocate in court and we see that Mangus mentions that they where so prejudiced in the past that know one would have thought to see the day when a shadow hunter asked what they call down worlders, so they are creatures of the shadow world that aren’t shadow hunters.
So warlocks, vampires, fay, and in the books we have the Seelie and Unseelie court and they come together to have a child as we see that in the books mark
is half Seely and is punished in the wild hunt, a concept that is taken from folklore
and lots of cultures have this concept of the good fey, so the Seely’s and the
bad so the Unseelie court, however, we see that in this depiction that they have it
that they can’t lie and we see that this is where the first of Mangus decisions
come into play in siding with the Seely queen as we see that the shadow world Magister
and his clock work army, so they where suits of armour that had flesh trapped in
them. [1]
and later had demonic spirits in them but we see that they can be defeated and they
were immune to Runne weapons. [i]
but we see that Tessa Gray became trapped
in one and she was taken to the York institute
to receive treatment and that is where the discovered that she was half warlock
and didn’t know who her demon parent was as this is often the key to figuring
out where the warlocks powers come from and how to control them, so we see that we discover that James Tessa’s eventual son searches for his demon
father and discovers that it’s a demon called [ii]
Belial and in popular folklore outside of the shadow hunters world we see that
this is the demon of [iii]
Hell and can’t leave hell without a human form, in others he is prince of hell, but in this post we are focusing
on the shadow hunters content so he is a prince of hell, and in the TV show is
Lorenzo Rays father and we see that Asmodeus ranks above him in the TV show world,
and this is where we come back to decision making as we see Mangus mention that
he hadn’t seen his father since he was a child and that doing his dirty work
was, something that made his skin crawl and we see that this is something that
we see that is common to due to the
fact that the shadow hunters used to hunt
down worlders for sport and often the warlocks would be taken in by other warlocks
or to the spiral labyrinth, we see it mentioned frequently in the show about
how the warlocks never really had a family
however what we do see that Mazie
a planned replacement for Max and Raffaele
Alex and Mangus eventual children is used by her Nanna iris rose, and valentine,
we see that most warlock are either found or worshiped as a god in some
cultures but we see that in Mangus case he seeks out lost and mis guided down worlders
and shadow hunters alike due to the fact that he is unable to bear children and
we see that there is only one warlock due to a clock work pendent that was made
by [iv]
John shade and finished by his adopted son Axel
Mortmain, also known as the Magester and he hoped to create a
new race of people who are half warlock
and half shadow hunter. The pendant had the soul of the angel Ithureal,
in the pendant and this was what made the warlock females able to carry and
bear children as we see that Manguns laments the fact that he can’t have children
of his own and therefore seeks to guide every
broken bird.
But at the same time we see
that people are very ignorant to the effect
that this has on Mangus mental health and being immortal we see that the actor
that played Magnus in the TV series Harry Shum jr has talked at length about this
being that he was the one who made Magnus so iconic, [v] due to the way that the character is written
he would have faced judgment on two counts the fact that he is immortal and
doesn’t age and die and this would have been seen as demonic in some cultures
and I have talked in previous posts about that his parents tired to kill him
and he feels this guilt but in the books it was kill or be killed, however we
see that people are now realizing how iconic this character is and in looking for
some background information there is a lot of miss information out there as he
is portrayed in the website the case against straight as transgender but this
is incorrect he his bisexual, [vi]
and he isn’t human so wouldn’t need magic to change his gender but I point this
out to point out the misinformation around this character but he is infect bi
sexual and this would have been considered distasteful or immoral and therefore it would have been another
source of judgment for him, but I see that his main issue with immortality and
the magic that this provides is that most lives have a beginning middle or end
and we see that this won’t happen for Mangus and this gives him the luxury of
time and when he chooses to lose his magic and become mundane we see that this
is something that he realises that he doesn’t have a lot of time left so tries
to pack as much into a day with Alec as possible, even referencing FOMO ( fear
of missing out, and we see that this is something that he needs to confront and make a
decision on weather to live as a mundane or not and we see that Alec in the end
makes this decision for him in summoning Mangus father Asmodus and makes a deal
with him around this being that we see that Asmodus makes the quip that
immortals aren’t supposed to grow old and grey and in time we see that he will come
to resent you and we see that Asmodeus price is for Alec to give up his relationship
with Mangus and this is again a decision that is made for him and we see that
it has a cost that Alec has to give up
his relationship with Mangus and we see this all the time in disability culture
in that decisions are made for people, with a disability and not for them, and
in closing this is where I will dive into next time how decisions are made for
Magnus by others and the situation he finds himself in.
[iii] Belial | The Shadowhunters'
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