The Digital divide in disablity care


What is the digital divide and how is it relevant in disability care?


So let’s start by breaking down what is the digital divide, it is basically those who have access to stable, internet that isn’t blocked by the state or other bad faith actors.  However we do see that people need to be able to afford to pay for the service and this can be another issue if you can’t access the internet then how do you, do most things that people do online these days?

Like job searching, like watching streaming services or on-demand TV, we see that this is distinctly different from those who for ethical, health, or religious reasons have chosen to go screen-free

In saying that we see that in being screen-free in their home they might have access to screens through other places like their work or public libraries, They understand what is a conscious decision and they can work around it.  

However, what I am talking about is those who don’t have a choice in the matter because they can’t afford the internet so can’t shop online or can’t access accurate information for work or study purposes and this then becomes an issue due to not being able to price compare or even look at online second-hand stores I know that I am a member of several consumer groups and the premise is quite simple in that we ask someone do they have what we need lying around and instead of paying for it now we exchange services or other good’s.  Saving money and the environment at the same time.

But if you don’t have access to the internet you can’t do things like this to keep the cost down. It also does limit economic options in that most jobs are found online and you are forced to apply online as well. So in forcing people to apply online we see that most Human resources departments can use automatic tracking software to get the best applicants and this can become an issue because if someone has a resume gap they might be rejected by the tracking software and then we see that the person that gets hired might not be the best person for the job but they are missing what has been coined a hard to reach demographic but is it a hard to reach demographic or is it that your organization hasn’t thought through its inclusion strategy and we see that people recoil at that word but when used in proper context we see that it’s a great strategy to have and what inclusion means and how it is used to manipulate is a whole other topic as well.

I will lightly touch on this issue as what I am saying by inclusion is that including people with disabilities does take major effort so in the online space it might be that the person needs a screen reader, in a physical setting it might be to have a lift and accessible toilets and to not charge for these facilities.

It’s also including and realizing that disability isn’t just physical we see that this is a major issue that inclusion has to include disabilities and these disabilities aren’t just including physical disabilities but looking at disabilities that are not visible, so the technical term is a psychosocial disability.  This is an umbrella term for conditions like ADHD, Autism, OCD, and Traumatic brain injuries where the person doesn’t “look,”  disabled but when you start to see some of their negative behavior we see that this becomes a major issue as well so in saying that we see that it can be an issue as well.  , some conditions are helped by spending time on the internet and it is used for self-soothing but in others it can make things worse due to the overstimulation that the internet provides.

This overstimulation isn’t overt at times but we do see it a lot and it can negatively change the brain's chemistry so people need to be aware of the time that they are spending on the internet.

So is it time-wasting or is it productive and when I say productive I do mean some relaxing time in there as well as we now know that some sights like Facebook and YouTube are designed to be addictive and this is how they make money and it is a tool and many people with a disability use the internet to become blogger or YouTubers and start running there own business as well. This is exactly what I am trying to say as well. But it needs to be balanced and this is a whole other issue as well and I have written about this in another post.  I will put the link to it down below.



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