The pension and the issues to get on it,

 Jake Lawes’ Disability Support Pension application declined despite being a double amputee | 7NEWS

This is a really interesting article to look at and it shows again how people with disabilities are seen by society. As the afterthought and being a double amputee. Is a massive physical disability, it is a risk to many workplaces, but this is the issue though, with the rise of work-from-home jobs and the NDIS does he have the capacity to rebuild for some level of work? 

I see in the article that he doesn't really have the capacity to work, so the pension is the best option for him but I see that the fight is not fair on him as well, as I I know that I had to fight to get on the pension myself as it does have medical as well as nonmedical rules as well so the rules do change and this is where my line of thinking comes into it about can he do some part-time work.  

 It's a very difficult concept but it shows that we are able to move forward as a society if we do have the right supports in place and I see that this article does say about his limited capacity for work. He is right in saying that they need to have a centralized agency for people with a disability as  we need agencies to be talking to each other and not working against each other like they seem to be doing now working against each other. 

However we do see that the disability has to be stable and that is the issue what is stable in his case, as well as who is caring for him at home, it is like we are seen as a burden on society, and that becomes a massive issue to me, I have never wanted to be a burden but we see that a lot of people with disabilities are prevented from reaching their full potential due to needing support and this could be physical, emotional or practical and where family and friends can fill this gap this is where the pension and the NDIS are supposed to fill the gap but we are seeing because of the burden of proof that people are being told that they aren't disabled enough to be able to receive support and this has to change. 

It will be long-term systemic change and it will take years to change what people think about disability and their capacity to work.  I am working on having this blog be my job and I see that many people with a disability do make an honest living on the internet through things like Patreon and other services. 

However, we see that we are still dictated to and for and this is really the heart of the issue that we a dictated to about what we can and can't do and then when we express emotions, we see that we are the issue.  Not the other way around, I see that I have been told that I am difficult because I need to be reminded to do things and need support to keep my life from falling apart when times get tough.  

But this seems to be next-level cruel, in seeing that the person isn't able to work. I hope that by showing this to the media that things will change but it does show the importance of having good support next work.  

It seems to ask the question of how disabled is disabled "enough," and this is something that we really need to consider, how disabled is disabled enough to be worthy of income support.  We see that this is something that really needs to be looked at with the role out of the NDIS as we are seeing that disability does come in all shapes and sizes. 

 For far too long we have had a dictated approach to disability and in some cases, it needs to happen that way but in other times we see that it's a burden to prove that you disabled and it's demoralizing to see at times. 


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