The Mark of Cain in Mythology.
The Mark of Cain in Mythology.
So this is a very unexpected post but I see that it needs to
be taken seriously, to understand the mythology of the shadow hunters’ world we
need to understand the judo Christian mythology, and this will focus on the
Jewish Mythology as we often as a culture forget that Christianity grew out of Judaism
and this is something that we need to remember when watching the show and the
context of the show is they are enforcing the angel’s orders and that is why
they have the Shadow hunters.
So the Mark of Cain
was a punishment to cain and we know that Cain was the first vampire, he was
cursed, to wander all of the earth, due to him not offering the proper
sacrifices to god.
There is a debate if cain is the first vampire but we see in
the shadow hunters we see, that the see It is assumed that he is and we see
that he is suffering his fate from killing his brother, the drinking the blood
can be seen in several different ways and I like to take the Jorden Peterson
approach and I like this approach as it shows it as a morality tale and not literal
and we forget that the bible was a living document, it also teaches you about life as well, so the
tale of Cain and Able, we see that Cain killed able and we see that he was
cursed, and he was ok if we see that he is not able to accept his brother’s
success as the brother was offering the proper sacrifices, however, Cain was only going through the motions
and this is showing the right way to conduct yourself.
I see it’s more about jealousy and not letting it ruin your
life, accepting your circumstances, and working to better yourself. If you are
working on bettering your self is a good thing.
So Cain was marked and this is where the mark comes in.
As he was not only punished to wander the earth for the rest
of his days, and not be accepted anywhere but to be marked with a mark that if
anyone tried to punish him they would bring punishment 7 times on themselves
and this then has to lead to the meaning of being a marked man, we see that in
the Show it is Simon that has the mark of Cain and it’s only when he is
attacked that we see that they are attacked.
We also see that Simon wants to be able to go back to his normal
life and is not able to do so, I am working through this myself in my situation
and wanting to go back to a “normal,” life but this asks the question what is a
normal life and how is the Shadoworld close to normal in any way and I see that
this is something that needs to be discussed in disability settings.
So Simon doesn’t accept that he is a vampire until quite
late in the show and the books and this is due to him wanting a normal life, we
see that he can walk in the sun due to drinking Jace’s blood that has pure
angel blood and that this is the issue that it’s pure angel blood that allows
him to walk in the sunlight and this is the other link to disability issues
that often it is medications that allow the person to live a normal-ish life.
It shows how people can understand disability and how we seem
to be on the fringes of society in a way.
I will be doing a lot more pure disability content but will
be focusing on Youtube a lot more so if you like to follow the blog please let
me know.
to deal with being told, “I don’t like you when you’re off your meds”? : ADHD
Was the Mark of Cain? Bible Meaning Explained ([i]
connection with Christianity – Redlands Daily Facts
The History
of Vampires - The Untold Story (
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