The bane chronicles, an overview.

 Video details - YouTube Studio

So this is my second attempt at YouTube and I hope you all like it this is a bit of a look into the bane chronicles, what do people think I will do a bit more videos if you like it, at times. 

Looking to do more video content like this around the NDIS and what it is so if people would like to show me and comment on topics to cover please let me know. I  will be doing a post on the bane chronicles that should be queued up by next week let me know all am putting a link up to my patron page, please if you can donate there will be bloopers and behind-the-scenes clips as well as other topics covered that aren't traditional media. 

Andrea Nunn is creating Blogs about Disability and Media Representation. | Patreon

Also, I will be doing a bit more around other media and topics so let me know what you all like and how it works as well. 

Let us know what you think by commenting, I hope that people like the videos and that I get better at presenting as we go. 


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