The Shadowhunters and the start of a changing of the Gard.
The younger shadow hunters see the law very differently and
don’t understand why some of the laws are in place and the role the accords
play in this as well as we see that they don’t get what people are doing and
are doing it because it is the law but at what point do they realize that they
are part of a system that needs to change and we see that it will change and
how it changes deserves its post as we see that people can see links to real-world
historical events and how we see that the shadow hunters are blindly following
the laws or in the case of the lightwoods, not following orders of the Clave
but this at times is the morally right thing to do and this is quite
interesting in a way that we see that it shows that the younger lightwoods
including Alec at times are aware that the Clave is very self-serving and
doesn’t want to change.
We see that the consul is elected by the clave and lives in ideas and has the
power to imprison people without trial and we see that they don’t use the
mortal sword much as it has powers they don’t understand, we see that this is quite interesting as why
would they use a trial we see in Izzy’s case and it’s not like it hasn’t been
done before we see that Izzy sees that she is put on trial and Magnus sees
straight through the Clave as they don’t do anything because it is the right
thing to do, they believe they have the right to rule the Shadow world.
This is partly true as they have a mission to keep the world
safe from the threat of demons and protect the downworlders but we see that the
Accords are there to not protect the shadow hunters but to protect the
downworlders and we see that the Clave doesn’t do this very well and we see in
later seasons that they abuse their powers or people within the Clave abuse
their powers creating a serum that would turn down orders into mundane’s ( that
deserves its post) and the ethics we see involved in this are quite complex in
a way that we don’t see.
As it goes both ways in upholding the laws and having the
laws reflect the common beliefs at the time and we see that this is where the
accords come in we see that because Izzy refused to obey orders we see that
she prevented a war as we see that the Seely queen did want a war and change
and we see that by Izzy not taking Melbourne to go to the city of bones for
questioning we see that she was able to see that the Clave at times does go too
far and we see that they were able to save Melbourne and this leads us to ask
what was the cold peace and we see that there are links to history in a reality
where after world war to the eastern block countries, and the Weston world were
still spying on each other and this at times did result in what is called the
Cuban Missile crises and it was prevented by the captain refusing to turn the
key until the second code word was called and it prevented a nuclear missile
being launched.
We see that countries did have strategies in place in case
this did happen in Australia’s case it was the formation of the SES and this is
a really important piece, of Australian history and has become a part of Australian
culture. [i]
This is a service that helps in emergencies and was started to
provide air raid wardens in Australia then it turned to help in natural disasters
and searches for missing people, as well as coordinating mass events either
positive or negative so looking for one person that is lost or dealing with the
after-effects of natural disasters in having specialist training. They also
have connections to the wider community.
Now in bringing it back to the Shadow hunter’s world we see
that there is an organization that was started and its mission has never been
changed or looked at critically to see if the organization is still fit for
what they are doing so in using the SES we see that they started in World war 2
and we see that they were able to see that it has changed to provide a wide
scope of services and has connections to the community so in providing support
in other ways so having connections to the CWA. [ii]
This is the Country women’s association, an organization that was able to
provide connections for country women and an outlet for them. The only other
organization that I know like this is the women’s institute that is featured
in the movie calendar girls. This is
interesting that I couldn’t find anything like it in USA terms as well but if
you know of anything comment below about it, please.
I understand that the concept of the CWA needs a bit of unpacking,
but we see that it is an organizing point for women to give them the life
skills that they need and to have connections to the community.
We also see that the SES has connections to other community organizations
like scouts and guides as well as being in the community at events like storm
prepped week [iii] (yes
that is a thing and I have put the link for getting ready Queensland in the
reading for this post. )
However, in bringing it back to Izzy and rebelling against
the clave we see that the clave tries to manipulate how the other Shadowhunters
see them. It is simply a power play and they don’t see that the Clave and the
Laws do need updating to reflect the current times. Much like we have community consultation and
lobbying to make outdated practices a crime or to have them catch up to technology. As we see that the shadow hunters are taught
to avoid “Mundane,” technology.
This is for a reason to keep them separate from the “Mundane,”
world and the downworlders. But we see that this backfires as the Down worlders
know what is going on in the shadow world before most others do and they can inform
the clave but we see that the clave doesn’t want to accept that they have not
kept up with the threats of what is going on and that they still see Downworlders
as part demonic and something to be feared. But we see that this isn’t the case
as they are also part “mundane,” we also see that they have a much harder life
and need to blend into the mundane world to survive, or in the case of the Vampires
and Werewolf, we see that they were once “mundane’s,” and had to adapt quickly.
Or to find a mentor to guide them through
this world they thought was the stuff of TV movies and Comic Cons.
So the younger Shadowhunters we see have a much kinder view
of the Downworlders as they see what they go through and Clary we must acknowledge
did turn Simon into a Downworlder and as Simon says a monster. But we see that he does make the best of it
and in turning back to Izzy and the Clave we see that in her organizing the unsanctioned
mission she sets of a turn of events that shows the Shadow hunters a new way forward
instead of seeing these down worlders as a threat they start to work with them
and I have posted about this concept before but in bringing it back to the Clave
it would have taken a lot of education and we do see in the books that when Alec
becomes consul and Izzy takes over the institute we see that some of the older
shadow hunters go into self imposed exile due to the fact that they don’t like how
things are being done but we see from the start that Alec was open to having
things change as we see him saying to his mother that “traditions change, especially those based on
ignorance,” and we have seen this happen in reality we have seen in Australia conversations that are on going
around disability and a change from people telling us what we need to do and
that it’s in our best interest to a
change of advocacy with lived experiences. This could be people who have cared for
someone in their family with a disability or the person themselves who live
with a disability like myself we are also seeing events like disability pride
month and the day of a person with a disability so we have gone from being something
to be hidden to part of the community thanks to the NDIS and I recently had an
interaction with a young allied health professional say to me that the budget
blow out is there own fault as the advances in medical science has kept people
alive a lot longer and it’s the NDIS that needs to care for them.
I see that in concept she isn’t wrong but it’s an interesting
perspective to look at the quality of life of a person with a disability vs the quantity
of life and this is a debate that I don’t know enough about to talk about but
will educate myself on as I live with someone who’s physical age is very different
to her mental age.
But in going back to Izzy’s rebellion we see that the older
shadow hunters are happy with the way things are because this is all they know
but we see that it’s not the case and that they can change and they, in
reality, are part of heavens military-industrial complex so we see that they
need to keep the tradition’s and the laws the same to justify their missions
but we see that Izzy is aware that they are going to far, so what happens when
they go too far as there is no accountability outside the Consul and the Clave except
the Down worlders council, and we see that they do take a while to work and
even they become political and we see that the down worlders have their alliances
that are very hard to keep up with as we see that when the Seely and Unseelie
courts came back together we see that the Seely queen was quick to ally with Valentine a rogue shadow hunter and that this
was because she wanted to change.
We also see that Maryse when in the First season is talking
to Izzy we see that she says to her that” never trust a person who can’t lie
they find many inventive ways to stab you in the back.” [iv]this
is such an interesting observation as the Selleys are fey folk and they seem to
in most YA series be long-lived or immortal and not be able to lie but we see
that being long-lived they see things very differently from the rest of the
people in that world due to the fact they would see the same things play out
time and time again just with different players thinking that they can change
the outcome when they can’t and this is where to Seely queen is willing to
break the accords and go to war with the Shadow hunters as she doesn’t feel
that her people are being protected well by the shadow hunters and we see that
Izzy and Simon see this as well as Simon tries to stand up to her and this
becomes a massive plot twist that deserves it’s own post as well.
However, we see that in Izzy heading up the mission to save Melorne
from the city of bones for questioning something that Izzy see’s quite
clearly as we see that she sees it as a death sentence for him. The way that they question him could kill him.
We see that she is put
on trial and have written about that before and it opened up a very different line
of thinking from my wonderful mentor about a framework that is used in mental
health framing, called the power threat, meaning framework and it got me
looking at my world view’s in a very different light as well as seeing an alternative
to medication as the first defense for treating mental health issues. ( I am
not a Dr but we are starting to see that there are good alternatives to
medications that just take a bit more time and get to the root causes, not the
surface levels of what is going on. ) This framework looks at what is a threat
to the person what is meaningful in the person’s life and if the person has no
meaning in their life giving them the tools to start living a meaningful life we see that as much as the Shadow hunters try to protect the Down worlders
we see that they are a threat to them and we see that a Down worlders traditional
greeting for a Shadow hunter is “ What do you want shadow hunter?” especially if
they don’t know the Shadow hunter or don’t know the family history like the warlocks
have a history or working with the Shadow hunters like Ragnar fell teaching at
the Shadow hunter academy. Or Mangus
Bane being paid to repair the wards after a forsaken attack. I am also now
starting to see why in this world we see that Warlocks always charge the Shadow
hunters as they were hunted during the time of Angels. In the chain of gold, we see that there is mention
of Gods and Demigods so we see that the shadow hunters acknowledge that all the
stories are true so we need to ask what stories, are true. So given that we see that this is a Judo-Christian
world we need to assume that they saw God
and Christ as we see that it is a very Christian worldview that the Shadow
hunters have but they respect the traditions of the five major religions.
So these would be Buddhism[v], Christianity, Hinduism,
Islam, and Judaism, however, there is an argument that Buddhism is a philosophy, not a religion but that is a debate
for another day. ( I would love to see
people commenting on this as well if you want to comment but for safety can’t
you can email me and I can post the comment.)
[vi] We also see that they use a lot of
the Law taken straight from the Bible and one is that we see.” That you shall
have no other gods before me,” this is from the Old Testament and it shows an interesting
perspective when you look at the word before so this acknowledges that other
gods were being worshiped, that was powerful.
So in
protecting the world we see that they regard all the religions as having equal
footing in this world as we see that they respect Simon being Jewish as Clary gives him proper
rites of the dead before he is turned into a vampire and has a Jewish vampire
is a bit of a contradiction in terms but we see that it provides very
interesting food for thought.
I see that I
started this post talking about Izzy but it has turned into a much wider
discussion on what happens when one person has the bravery to organize a
mission in the shadow world and this in turn can relate to massive changes in reality
as if one person speaks out others will follow and due to the internet we see
that they have the ability to go through channels that wouldn’t normally be open
to them like wiki leaks, as the legacy media we see has a vested interest in pushing
a particular narrative and due to the lack of teaching of critical thinking on
some issues we see that people don’t question what they see on TV or in a newspaper
and that they in the case of Australia are mostly owned by the Murdock family. So they
are not able to publish content that would anger this family. So in bringing this
back to the Shadow hunter’s world it is like the Clave ignoring what is going
on with Valentine and the forsaken that he created. We see that they until it
is too late don’t accept and actively push down what is going on with these
demons, and valentine’s experiments.
So we see in
not accepting their changing reality we see that they aren’t able to protect themselves
well. Let alone the Down worlders so the down worlders learn that they need to
protect themselves and this is where they become their own advocates in having or demanding a seat at the table to
talk through the issues that are important to them, and to demand transparency
and trust form the shadow hunters and they become a part of a better community
so we go from where one organization has
control of heaven and the others that are part of this world are going through hell and are considered part
of hell we see that they demand a seat
at the table and that through relationships we see that the perceptions of the Down
worlders do change in the views of the Shadow hunters and we see that there is
a much fairer system put in place so in Izzy starting to question things as we
see Lydia say a book quote and it is
such a interesting perspective and “ Do
you think that there is such a thing as a harmless rebellion ,” and in there
world their isn’t as we see that the Shadow hunters stayed away from the Down
worders in the past due to the fact that they didn’t know what customs or traditions
if they weren’t followed would offend these people.
However, we do see a precedent in Iceland
where the women went on strike. I believe no one was harmed but we see that it led
to a lot of other changes in the way that women were treated. [vii] It is also called the
Long Friday by the men that were impacted by it in having to care for their children
in a hands-on way and led to some of Iceland’s policies that have led to it
being one of the most equitable countries in the world but we do see that they
can do this because of the women that were brave enough to stop working
and we see that the changes that they made are starting to be made in other countries
around the world as well.
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