The Shadow world and disablity links the Clave.


This is a follow-up post to the post on real-world evil, so we see that there was a lot wrong with the Circle and we see that there was a lot that the older generation kept from their children about the circle and the uprising as they didn’t want it to happen again.

Yet we know that by telling people about their history and culture we understand that they can see that in the real world we are educated on history to try and understand it and we now start to understand it and see it as well.   As the shadow hunters suppressed the knowledge of the uprising and we that this could have prevented a lot of issues if they were able to talk about it freely.

I can see the arguments for both sides around this if you talk about it we see that people around you could help prevent it from happening again but we see that suppressing this knowledge is a risk that backfires and helps radicalize people and turn them into fanatics and this is an issue that deserves its post about how the internet has turned the way we think on its head and the way that information is controlled that the legacy media don’t control the narrative anymore around what we are being told about the world around us. But we also see a world where truth can be manipulated to help further people’s causes so this is where the clave was being careful about what happened in the uprising and we need to remember that in reading about history and philosophy we need to understand the context of what the author was trying to say and this can be difficult as a lot of philosophy came out of France and it was a time when there were great power struggles and the catholic church was losing it’s power and influence so it leads to a cultural revolution. [i]

So we need to remember this when Magnus is serious as he would have seen the time of Angels and the role of Tessa in the clockwork war and her ability to shapeshift. As well as the fact that she is still alive but is a Guardian of the spiral labyrinth.

 This is quite interesting in what we see as it leads to a lot of things in the Shadow hunter’s world.   We see that Jace can also shape shift being that he has angel blood and only shapeshift into people who are living.   

However due to the influence of people like Dr. Jordan Peterson are seeing a swing back to organized religion and involvement in “social justice,” as its tithes originally were to help the social support for the vulnerable in their community.    As we are seeing him have a massive influence on lost young men and he is now issuing a challenge to organized religion saying that he can’t help everyone, but this was the historic role of the churches to protect the vulnerable and keep the sacred just that.  So we need to remember that the Nephilim are carrying out what they consider to be a sacred duty to protect the mundane world from the threat of demons.   We do see Jace say that to clary when they are looking for weapons in the graveyard when they are on patrol. Jace is quite cocky when he says that there was a failure of mundane imagination that has been doing its duty for far too long and far too well.

Yet Tessa can shapeshift into anyone living or dead, this is interesting in a way that we see that there is a link in the abilities as Tessa’s Mother was a Shadow hunter and they don’t know who her father was as we see that the other warlocks do know their demon parents, and then they know their abilities that come from this parent. [ii] She was also the wife of Will Herondale so this is possibly where Jace got his ability to shapeshift as I know that in the show it was the injections that gave him this ability but in the books, it was that he was a descendant of  Will and Tessa. ( I am currently reading chain of iron so will correct this if needed.)

However we see that we don’t know Tessa’s father,  but we know what type of demon it was as it was a greater demon.  We see that she also was accepted as a Shadow hunter because of being one as well as married to one and having children as well.

leading me to question why the relationship with Manguns and Alec was so controversial at the time was it because he was a “pure warlock” or was it because of his reputation as he is known as a Lothario, but this leads into well what do you do when you are immortal and have time on your hands.   

So if you have time on your hands and don’t need to earn an income how do you spend your time. This is a question I will come back to with the parallels with people with disabilities as well I have talked about this in previous posts but if you haven’t read it.  This is a bit of a recap but will put a link into this post. ( I will have to find it as I might have accidentally archived it or thought I have written it but still have it as a draft as it deserves its post around how vulnerable this made this character)

Magnus another warlock who is the high warlock of Brooklyn and immortal loses his powers to save his boyfriend’s capabilities life and this is where things get interesting as he becomes mundane and also loses his apartment to another warlock that was supposed to protect him, as due to politics Mangus lost his position as the high warlock and therefore had to consult as being the high warlock we see that he couldn’t consult as it was a political position and therefore we see that there could be a conflict of interest in consulting.  (Something that the real world could learn from with consultants as you would be better of asking the people on the ground what needs to change instead of asking an outside consultant, I understand that in some cases things  need to be looked at from an outsiders perspective and that this is a good thing but generally asking people what the need to live or to work better is good and can save companies and people lots of money at times.)

So he received a magic transfusion from Lorenzo ray the person who becomes the high warlock in Magnus’s place, and it makes him sick, so the only solution is to take the magic away from him and to Magnus, his magic is what makes him “whole.”  However, the cost to Mangus is his apartment so  Lorenzo who was supposed to protect Magnus took advantage of him and we see that this has a lot of parallels to the disability community as well.   We see that Alec can stand up for Magnus as well but in making decisions for Mangus we do see that it comes at a cost and this is another issue that needs to be discussed as Magnus is an adult and can make decisions for himself and has seen centuries of change but we see that he masks his pain about losing his position and his magic. I have written quite in-depth about Alec masking but Magnus masks by being the inappropriate party animal. So we see that he in the books is drunk quite a bit of the time.  As well as the inappropriate comments, he makes about Alec as he is determined to have a relationship with Alex however we don’t know what that would look like but we see that it turns out when Magnus feels safe he is a big safety and try’s to help Alec as it is his first relationship with anyone as he was so closeted even from himself.

However we know that this is something that is a bit of a variation from the books as it shows that we are see that he has romantic feelings for Jace and it is explored a lot more in the books than the one fight seen at the city of bones in the first season where they rescue Melorne, and at this point Jace is constantly choosing clary so we see that Alec really doesn’t have a chance and that Magnus sees his chance, but I am glad that they aged up the charcters as  in the books Alec is 19 so he is a child but this isn’t the first shadow hunter that Mangus has been involved with however that isn’t mentioned in the show as we see that they are adults and that Magnus was I London at the time and this would have been when he was involved with Will Herondale, and Tessa.   

So it’s not until   l Alex decides to propose to Mangus and Mangus turns up to the dinner drunk as the warlocks would see time and social customers very differently to others and a lack of understanding of the Shadow hunter’s ways would create cultural differences.  Like the unwritten rule that you don’t drink alcohol before 6 or you can drink on the weekends, and we see that Mangus doesn’t have this boundary, and we see that his relationship with Alcohol isn’t great as well and many people don’t have a great relationship with Alcohol, and it can become a substance abuse issue very quickly.

Shadowhunters 3x14 | Alec threatens Lorenzo - YouTube

However, we see that the warlocks have a tolerance for booze, but magus loses this tolerance when he loses his magic.   However, we see that Alec does when he realizes the pain that Mangus is in that he decides to ask Mangus to help his mother out as she goes through her growth and then learns to accept Magnus as part of the family.

 She was excommunicated and needed to get a job, so she buys a bookstore that was owned by a warlock we see that most of the warlocks have a “mundane,” job. However, this is a variation from the books where Luke the werewolf does have the bookstore.  But we see that Alec keeps Magnus off his circumstances as we see that Mangus had a massive fear of missing out and decided to make the most of Alec’s day off. (This makes for epic tv viewing as Mangus has to know situational awareness in this clip)

The fact that he was so powerful that he can invade even the silent brothers and the Shadow hunters are in awe of him at times we see that this could work both ways. In that, he isn’t always accurate in what he can do as he was raised by the silent brothers in the books but in a variation in the show, we see that he was raised by Asmodus his father a demon of hell. He was used as a  child in the show and we see that Mazie was used by valentine in the same way. 

However in going back to what makes Magnus whole is that we see that he goes through trauma and becomes what the Shadow hunters call Mundane a person who isn’t aware of the shadow world.   So he is housed at Alex’s request at the institute much to the disgust of the other shadow hunters because worlders aren’t allowed in the instate but I will discuss that in another post, later as I have a lot more information about this relationship now and we see that It was a learning curve for both of them.  

So the Clave is the organization that rules the Shadow hunters and we see that there is a major influential family that makes up the clave and these families go back centuries at times. Being the lightwoods, The Herondales, The Bramwell’s,  the Fairchild’s, and the Blackthorne’s.   These are the families that shadow real-world USA political families as we see when Jace finds out that he is a Herondale that we see that Clary asks about does that mean that makes you a bush of the shadow world and it was corrected to a Kennedy as the Kennedy family have a long USA pollical history.  As well as a very deep social conscience.   

We see that the clave has a very deep and warped sense of what is right and wrong as well and we see that this is very different from what the “Mundane’s,” consider to be right or wrong as it does depend on the orders that they are following as we see that it wasn’t just Clary’s mother that saw a need to get out we see that there is a lot of shadow hunters that got out of that world or the influence of the clave.   

This is a really interesting topic as now we ask the question given what is going on in the news about the research into depression medications and there is new research that it doesn’t help a lot of people[iii] but I have been working with someone on this framework and we need to look at it as it is a framework that Dr. Jordan Peterson is working with as well called the power threat framework so who has power over you and who is a treat to you with that power and can you change this circumstance in a way to be able to work to develop your skills.

So essentially the shadow hunters see the warlocks as a threat to the Shadow hunters and fail to acknowledge the threat that they used to be too down worlders as they used to be hunted for sport and this shows me that they forgot their history, and this history isn’t a great one at times and we see that this isn’t a good thing as they thought Valentine was dead and that he was no longer a threat to people but he is a threat to everyone around him.

So in linking this back to disability we see that in this way people with disabilities do need protection but at times we see that they are exploited by the people that are supposed to protect them and this is  something that needs to change and has changed in at least Australian law around mandatory reporting so there are people in the community that have a duty of care to report to the NDIS Commission, or appropriate services where required and I have put this in the footnotes as well.


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