Magnus and Alec navigating the shadow world. Part one
Magnus and Alec how to Navigate the Down world
This is a start of a series that is going to seek out what this relationship looks like and what the difficulties in age differences would look like when you look at the different aspects of this relationship they are both reacting to themselves at times. Not what the other person is doing so their reactions can be different between them because of their ages and their experiences in relationships.
We see unexpected positive behaviour in their differing love languages as well. Like when Alec gives Magnus a gift and Magnus is at the hunter's moon talking to Mia, he doesn't remember when someone last gave him a present without expecting anything in return. This leads us to see that Alec's love language is a combination of gifts and acts of service. We see Magnus later in the series as time and acts of service. This is where I am reminded of that family dinner I am reminded of, where the others went on a mission at late notice.
Can we also I do wonder if someone has finally taught Alec to cook as it's a life skill for him as to how much Magic would Magnus use in his new position. ( I don't think Alicante has a lot of restaurants 😉)
So given that there is the ongoing public discourse around men and consent and redefining what is a healthy relationship.
It can be difficult to see their personality or learned behaviors that present as difficult behavior, as we see that difficult behavior can be changed. If the person is willing to put, the work into this relationship. At the end of their genuine first date, we see a conversation about Alec being willing to accept their differences and there are a lot of differences in this Relationship as we will start to discover. and him "hearing that Relationships take effort," and Magnus replying that "He is all for effort," as he would know how much effort himself and others that have been a part of his life have made an effort to have a romantic relationship.
Also, we need to remember that Alec is quite disadvantaged when it comes to romantic relationships as he has had to be the responsible one in essentially running the institute and we do see him talking to Magnus on their first date that he knew that he could never have what he wanted until Magnus came along so how does Mangus take that as we see in the books that Nephilim love only once and deeply. ( Yet another variation from the books).
In reality, we know that learning new skills can be hard as Magnus has lived for centuries. So how has he changed over the years we do see Dot another warlock say that her life would be a boarding tragedy without him in her life as we see Magnus and her were lovers at one point.
We see that mostly the warlocks play but the same social rules as the mundane world. As they have to fit into the Mundane world. We see that they do it well we do see that some of the other warlocks have Mundane jobs as they would need something to do over time we see that they have to hide their magic in the modern world because they would put other people at risk so we see the known warlocks:
- Dot running an antique store
- Katerina Loss as a Nurse
- Iris Rose as a doctor
- Ragnar fell on his farm
- Magnus is in Real estate
In one clip we see Magnus saying to an unnamed bartender to never trust a stingy warlock when they have Eternity to acquire wealth. We do see that this bartender knows Magnus as she calls him Mister Bane, This show how welll-connected he is in the shadow world.
At the start of the series, we see that Magnus doesn't have a "Mundane job," due to the simple fact that he is the High Warlock and we find out that it's frowned on as it could create conflicts of interest. This is the same in many political positions as you need to declare ( at least in Australia conflicts of interest or gifts that you receive)
We hear Dot referencing a shop in real-world Salem when it is decided that DNA collection is a good idea to rule out their friends and this again is something that has happened in the real world yet it shows how the younger shadow hunters seem to not know their own history the warlocks would have seen lots of other historical events and how this is happening we don't know but we do know that it's helping her then and we see other references to real-world historical events through Magnus taking on the role of storyteller.
Much like an accurate historian, Herodotus the historian mentioned Christ and other accurate events, that occurred before the common era of history. As if he is 800 years old as Alec says he is to Underhill when he is drunk he would have seen massive "Mundane," and shadow hunter history. Also as an aside we do know that Magnus lies about his age but it could be true that he is both 400 and 800 years old because the calendar that the village people in the dutch east indies could have been different from the ones that we use now it could have been the Julian calendar or it could have been what we use now the Gregorian calendar.
overview This is just an overview but I will do some much more in-depth posts that will be up on my Patreon only I have my drafts over there as well. So check it out.
It's at Patreon/annielnunn1 and you get to chat with me about my life as a person with a disability as well.
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