
Showing posts with the label Disablity

Title: Protecting Privacy and Valuing Expertise: Why Sharing NDIS or Care Plans Isn't Always Appropriate

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness and advocacy for the rights and inclusion of people with disabilities. With government-funded support services like the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in place, individuals with disabilities have gained greater access to necessary resources and care. However, amidst this progress, it's crucial to address a concerning trend – the expectation for individuals to share their NDIS or care plans with strangers, often without proper consideration for privacy or compensation for expertise. Privacy is a fundamental right for everyone, including people with disabilities. NDIS or care plans are sensitive documents outlining a person's needs, goals, and support requirements. Sharing such personal information with strangers, particularly those who aren't directly involved in providing care or support, can pose risks to privacy and confidentiality. Moreover, many individuals with disabilities face challenges in society, inc

Why I think NDIS registation is a good thing, Lets explore it.

  So I am going to start off by saying I know that this is going to be a unpopular or counter narrative opinion talking about what others don’t want to talk about or do what to acknowledge, that registration if managed well is a good thing for providers. We don’t see Nursing staff and mental health staff that have independent business complaining that registration is going to cost them, yes in the short term it could drive up cost’s but so is inflation.   It also protects both parties against abuse and we have just had a   Royal commission into abuse neglect and exploitation so those who are on the providers that are saying being un registered is going back to the dark day’s of no chose and control well I see your point but having providers registered and having a bucket to choose from is a good thing as it means your understanding the Ndis and the documentation that goes into it, as I understand that this is why the price might go up and why medical practitioners might not write NDI

Hills that I am willing to die online.

    In writing the Blog post about the direction for the New year I mentioned I am not monetized so there for some early blog posts are going to either be deleted or moved to the other blogs   I wanted to put together this note to say I am not trying to gaslight my community but this is a necessary step towards monetization. I am also studying, and I am looking towards having a more traditional job as despite having care and living with others it can be isolating when you don’t have the same timetable as others and are more aware of what is going on around you. This is one of the challenges of having disabilities and chronic illness and being “higher functioning” and I know that I may lose some readers/ subscribers, but these are the hills that I am willing to die on.   Because if believe that if I don’t stand up and say something I feel that keeping silent is going to make it worse than losing a few readers. I have also seen how some of the communities treat people while demanding

PSA Stop self diagnosing your Disability it's actually kind of offensive.

   I was asked today about something that I had put some thought into and I am now going to go into my thoughts a lot more, due to the fact that it’s something that really annoys me when I hear it. Its calling someone Neurotypical and forcing langue on them.   I am all for softer langue but to put it into context this person was self diagnosed and had not   sought out a diagnosis and this seems to be playing into   tropes and this is the danger of self diagnosis due to the fact that some people will start to treat the “ symptoms” but make it much worse due to the fact that people need a proper diagnosis be able to   move forward and for some folks with neurodivergent   brains that have a “proper diagnosis”   often mask this is when   a person who is ADHD or Autistic will hide their personality or stims, but if you get to know the person we will see that they will start to unmask.   So this would be wearing headphones due to   noise overload, or sensory issues wearing the same thing.

Consent and disability lets keep the convesation going.

This is going to be a controversial topic and let’s keep the conversation going as we need to talk about it, but we need to define what consent is and let’s see what it is, as consent is going to be different depending on the context. The different types I found are, ·        Informed consent around medical decisions and care so this is knowing the risks and benefits of medical procedures or knowing what the risks of medications are. ·        Intimate consent in relationships, so this is being able to have intimate relationships and be physical with that person, but also knowing that it could be risky and knowing how to maintain relationships as well. ·        Implied consent so this could be for care and self-care tasks they need help with so for someone who needs help dressing or showering so being able to consent to this care. [i]   This is where  the  complexity of disability  comes into play as  some people are able to consent but if a person has a mental illness or ment

Grooming with a disablity

 Hey all, so I was at the local op shop for some Christmas presents and I realized something when they had an influencer section in the shop, and this I have known for a long time but haven’t really acknowledged, basically that it is that grooming and presenting yourself well doesn’t have to be expensive, so I wanted to go through a few things that you can do to look presentable and I have also considered mobility aid hear as well, the first one seems really basic but a lot of people don’t know how to care for there clothing, so this is the first thing know how to clean your clothing and how to iron as I do find that having an ironed t shirt and jeans I feel so much more presentable.  Also learning how to get stains out is really important and how to keep whites white is important I know how to Dad does have some basic tips as well as asking your grandmother and I know that some universities have teamed up with Red Frogs and CWA to teach these skills, but you can also find some great b

What Does Disability mean anyway?

    So, I am writing in my new home and see that it has been a game changer. There is also something that people, need to see and understand about support, it does depend on the clients, but it also depends on the team in the housing facility. I have realized I am not entitled, I am just simply getting the help I need, and I understand that this is coming from a place of privilege, as I haven’t always used the D word. This word being the word “ Disabled” I didn’t think despite me living with a TBI that I was able to use the word as I was able to work,   I was able to drive but I couldn’t live on my own and I am still not prepared to talk on line about this but I see that people need to be able to use the words that describe them without fear, these being Disabled and High functioning as I am Disabled but at the same time I am high functioning. It's not offensive to tell the truth about what I am it’s not what identify with it what I am, and if this offends you I would question

My journey back to health part 4

  This post is on the back of a few Netflix specials that I have watched and I am starting to transition to less chemicals and preservatives in my life so this requires a little more organization than I was expecting but organization as I am learning isn’t a one off it is a process and I am also learning that for me being blessed to have access to support workers ( care givers to the USA readers) I am then able to ask them for help.   But one of the things that I am realizing is that natural doesn’t equal safe all the time I am watching, unwell about the wellness industry and we need to be able to think critically about this industry as if you put industry after a word you need to ask what are they selling and for me, I am an amazon associate and I am honest about it as well but I do state that I am not a medical professional and to check   if it’s ok for you. But I am starting to go over to natural washing up and cleaning tools as I am going though my existing stash of cleaning

We need to talk about work, and disablity.

  So, I was seriously considering if I wanted to post this to the blog and linked in but I feel like I need to as I saw a headline and I couldn’t access the article but it was the headline read, Disability forgotten diversity. But are we “really forgotten” in a work context as I would love to be working and being social as work is more than the tasks, we do for someone with a disability it might be the only chance they have to be social and to be able to work with others.     However, I do see many people put into the two hard basket especially hidden disabilities and the ability, to work remotely or even from home as many workplaces aren’t simply accessible.   Also more than that we are seen as a burden and a risk to have on board unless in a “supported work place” often a polite euphemism for a workplace that is legally allowed to pay less than minimum wage on the premise that we will lose our benefits, but often ( depending on the country) are encouraged to have a part time job,

you a not a burden

This is a post that I wrote in my head last night as I am in the middle of potentially changing supported living houses but staying with the same company and I can’t remember something heartbreaking. I can’t remember the last time someone physically said they love me, or I am doing good or congratulated me for doing something well, as my family often has concern for me, and I don’t see that my actions have consequences for other people. But please don’t feel sorry for me first and that my family and friends do they do it by there actions and this has lead me to some really interesting feelings of knowing I am an adult but at the same time feeling really alone in the world as I see my friendship group that are “ able bodied” go to work and have the arguments about the kids and I really feel like I have missed that boat on having a stable romantic relationship due to me not being able to really trust anyone and that actually includes myself and my support team in the house as they have

Disablity and Mental health.

I was going to post this to Linked In but now after some reflection I didn’t and I feel it’s much better to hear Let me know what you think we see that people need to be aware that I am feeling this way and I see that this comes from a place of not being heard and seen. I can’t remember the last time that I felt seen or heard and got told I did something well, I got pitied or yelled at for doing things wrong, or breaking procedures/policies I didn’t know existed.  So, let's jump into it. So I was on this platform and I have been posting my content for a while and I do need to consider what I post given that this is a site for professionals and job seekers designed to connect them. However, I am seeing, and much to their credit disability activists posting their content and I don’t have much to do with my “activism” community in my area.  I thought that I would explain why why I don’t like the term “activism” and prefer spokesperson, as it gives a much more dignified tone and mu

My personal development continued the next steps.

  This is something that I need to write for accountability, so I have due to some personal reasons and some with changes in care staff have got out of a routine and have let bad habits creep drinking excess caffeine (though I have discovered that name-brand coke soft drink does give me some level of pain relief, from nerve pain) These things being. Binge eating at night. Not keeping up with housework Not having a good solid routine Not exercising enough to be able to keep excess weight off I am not talking to support workers when things are getting to me Not keeping up with my specialist appointments Not keeping up with friends Being over-tired due to having too much screen time Not keeping up with my physiotherapy Not understanding the role of support workers in my life Not keeping up with the housework I am responsible for and accountable for – washing and ironing clothes and keeping an accurate shopping list, Not keeping to a reasonable budget and allowing m

Self development and awareness.   This is an amazing podcast, and I haven’t talked about it for a while as I haven’t been listening to it as I have a let’s say electric level of tastes in podcasts, but this episode did resonate with me for a lot of complex reasons. The first one is that it was something that I needed to hear, as recently I have been feeling as a person with a disability as a burden, but I realize that this is due to a complex situation in the supported independent living house (SIL house) I am in. There is a support worker that has a familiar relationship with the boss and she because of this relationship makes me ask for help (let’s be real taxpayers are paying for me to have quality care) can be sub-standard and when we have pointed this out due to her being related to managements family, we as a house weren’t believed as there was no “verifiable” evidence.     When we spoke up to other support workers that have t

Mediation and Safety things to consider

    I have done a couple of personal blog posts about mediation and manifestation, and I feel that these are important to share, but we need to be very aware that any type of mediation needs to be done safely. So, this is practical safety so having a safe space to meditate, I meditate to go to sleep, and I meditate in bed.   Some other safety aspects are if it brings up negative emotions having the fame work to be able to work through them as releasing the trauma might need specialist training and it might also trigger flashbacks or make things worse long term and this is where you need to have a religious or physiological framework to work within.   As every religion does have a practice of mediation, the Jeudeo -Christian religions or the religions known as the Abrahamic religions from my limited understanding do have set prayers as well, the most well-known would be a Christian praying the rosary. Or a Muslim praying to Mecca or a Buddhist meditating, and this is a framework to unde

Safety as a person with a disablity.

  There is something that we need to be aware of as women generally and as a person with a disability. There are several aspects we need to go into and they are: Personal safety / Physical safety Emotional safety Fiscal safety Personal safety is the safety around other people and having situational awareness and being able to understand, what is going on and adjusting your expectations. To what is happening with other people and figuring out other way's of doing thing and we see that people need to be able to adjust things as if you are living with others we need to be respectful. So waiting in line asking permission to come into a shared living space. As a support worker might be taking through some fairly heavy situations that don't involve you. Physical safety is similar but different from Personal Safety but it is more practical, so things that we see that it is around the basics of day-to-day living so having aids, to help you bathe or shower, such as chairs or not sh