
PSA Stop self diagnosing your Disability it's actually kind of offensive.

   I was asked today about something that I had put some thought into and I am now going to go into my thoughts a lot more, due to the fact that it’s something that really annoys me when I hear it. Its calling someone Neurotypical and forcing langue on them.   I am all for softer langue but to put it into context this person was self diagnosed and had not   sought out a diagnosis and this seems to be playing into   tropes and this is the danger of self diagnosis due to the fact that some people will start to treat the “ symptoms” but make it much worse due to the fact that people need a proper diagnosis be able to   move forward and for some folks with neurodivergent   brains that have a “proper diagnosis”   often mask this is when   a person who is ADHD or Autistic will hide their personality or stims, but if you get to know the person we will see that they will start to unmask.   So this would be wearing headphones due to   noise overload, or sensory issues wearing the same thing.

Consent and disability lets keep the convesation going.

This is going to be a controversial topic and let’s keep the conversation going as we need to talk about it, but we need to define what consent is and let’s see what it is, as consent is going to be different depending on the context. The different types I found are, ·        Informed consent around medical decisions and care so this is knowing the risks and benefits of medical procedures or knowing what the risks of medications are. ·        Intimate consent in relationships, so this is being able to have intimate relationships and be physical with that person, but also knowing that it could be risky and knowing how to maintain relationships as well. ·        Implied consent so this could be for care and self-care tasks they need help with so for someone who needs help dressing or showering so being able to consent to this care. [i]   This is where  the  complexity of disability  comes into play as  some people are able to consent but if a person has a mental illness or ment

Restrictive Practices in disablity the reality part two

    So I was starting to talk about restrictive practices but let’s get down to what they are as this is where people start to get stuck I will add in where to get accurate information as this is the thing getting accurate information about what they are and how they need to be used as there it two major categories and they are approved restrictive practices and then we have unapproved restrictive practices and this is where it needs to be reported as this is where it can cause trauma as having a disability or neurodiversity, can be inherently traumatizing as the world is constantly gaslighting and we are behind everyone else in some areas and ahead in others and this isn’t normal and we need to be aware of that. So, the approved restrictive practices are in a couple of categories and they are chemical restraint,   this is the use of medications to control behaviour  and this is where you need to be able to prove they are needed as the medications that are used hav

restrictive practices the reality of it.

 There has been a lot of talk around restrictive  practice   s since the royal commission and we have had a lot of well meaning but under-informed advocates advocating for the abolition of these practices but this shows me that they haven’t worked with clients that have behaviour’s of concern.  That can cause extreme harm to others, or distress. As behaviours are a form of communication, and it serves a purpose as it might be attention seeking, it might be the result of a mental illness and intellectual disability, or the result of a brain injury and the frustration of being able to remember that you once could do things but now you can’t. A  frustration that I experience on a regular basis as I have to be reminded to keep in touch with friends and family and that ghosting isn’t ok, and to make the doctor's appointments and  to look after my health, both physical and mental. But what I am advocating for is having support worker trained in behaviour’s of concern and the next l

If it's not documented it didn't happen.

So this is to go along with a couple of pieces of content I have posted elsewhere,  about documentation and it’s really important to recognize that if you are working, with people with a disability, either in a housing situation or in a day/ community center it’s important to realize that if you haven’t documented it, it didn’t happen, and everything needs to be documented as it protects everyone so this isn’t just clients and supports staff but it’s family and other in your care team, and if you document things that don’t seem to be a big thing but they can be if you start to see a pattern of behavior and this can go towards a person funding and ratios of care. So, a person who is struggling in a sil (supported independent living,) at a one to three ratio might need extra support this then would provide the evidence for that person to have extra support and it might be a two-hour shift where the basics are done such as showers and toileting, feeding, and housework. We need to have a

Grooming with a disablity

 Hey all, so I was at the local op shop for some Christmas presents and I realized something when they had an influencer section in the shop, and this I have known for a long time but haven’t really acknowledged, basically that it is that grooming and presenting yourself well doesn’t have to be expensive, so I wanted to go through a few things that you can do to look presentable and I have also considered mobility aid hear as well, the first one seems really basic but a lot of people don’t know how to care for there clothing, so this is the first thing know how to clean your clothing and how to iron as I do find that having an ironed t shirt and jeans I feel so much more presentable.  Also learning how to get stains out is really important and how to keep whites white is important I know how to Dad does have some basic tips as well as asking your grandmother and I know that some universities have teamed up with Red Frogs and CWA to teach these skills, but you can also find some great b

what is an ADL let's Break it down

 So this is going to be a very basic post and it’s one that I discovered needed doing as people are not understanding the NDIS and disability Jargon. I do admit it’s a lot to get used to and to be aware that you have to learn a new language essentially and if English isn’t your first language it gets even harder.  I have done a video on this that is embedded in the blog post but, ADLs are the foundations of life, they are Activities of Daily living, the really basic stuff, being able to move around without a mobility aid, being able to dress yourself, being able to eat, grooming and toileting and showering. There is a crossover between these and life skills and some could be considered both like hygiene in the home such as cleaning, changing bed sheets being able to vacuum or mop a floor, and cooking goes with being able to eat, but they are what make up the foundations of life and you can see how we say that it’s where you are first assessed on with applying for the NDIS  as the f

What can I do with NDIS funding? Part one.

    I saw this on Facebook overnight as I suffer from what is [i] called Peripheral neuropathy and we can’t figure out where it came from and how to stop it, but it is nerve damage and it gets worse at night because there isn’t a lot I can do to stop it, I have tried medications but I am sad to say their side effects where worse than the pain itself. I manage it but some really basic means, a good diet, exercise, and at times forcing myself out of the house, to do things that I don’t want to do, basically being an adult and not over-relying on support workers, but it’s a really common question, that we need to start answering. The question   What can I do with my NDIS funding besides getting a support worker we are all starting to understand what a support worker can and can’t do the options for employing one and the housing options and providers are starting to move to be compliant with what the commission has said about, Housing, Food and providing the basics of life, and the us

a life more ordinary what does it mean lets unpack disability jargon

 This is the first thing we need to know is what is an ordinary life as we have content creators and YouTubers as a legitimate career option these days, we are also seeing that lives are mostly lived online and people who choose to on their weekends go hiking, canoeing or fishing are called extreme, I know that there is such a thing as extreme hiking where you go long distances with very little prep and the city version is to go urban exploring ( generally at night or in abandoned palaces to find interesting things. In Australia we don’t have much scope for extreme hiking due to the heat and cold but long distance is definitely a thing, but we then get to what is an ordinary life when it comes to disability and this is straight from the NDIS website, about life more ordinary,  and how they use it to decide support’s and this then goes into we need to know what is a disability. “An ordinary life is a life where you have the same opportunities as people without a disability. An ordin

Choose and Control sometimes it can be a myth.

 So Let’s unpack what I am saying here it’s not that Choose and control in disability support doesn’t exist at all, as it does but at times depending on where you are located it can be a bit of a myth around what you can do, as for some people having absolutely no limits placed on them can be dangerous even for people without disabilities. Some of the restrictions can be because of a couple of reasons and they can be as simple as behaviours of concern, a lack of impulse control, or the lack of cognitive awareness to be able to understand that their actions have consequences, and this leads to where restrictions as are needed to be put in place. But when it comes to disability accommodations it can get complex to get into the system simply, and even in a rural, regional, and remote area, there aren’t the disability accommodations that we know in other areas. So, to get into the system you need to take what is out there and this can be challenging as you might get the care you need h